
We hope you enjoy this collection of thought and inspiration for Thanksgivukkah. This unusual occurrence gives us the opportunity to bring our families and friends together by the warm light of the menurkey.

These articles, which draw upon Jewish tradition in the context of contemporary life, are representative of the approach of the 1,700 Conservative and Masorti rabbis around the world who comprise the Rabbinical Assembly.


Happy Thanksgivukkah from Conservative/Masorti rabbis around the world.


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The international community of Conservative/Masorti rabbis

"Recently, Julie Schonfeld, Steve Wernick and Yizhar Hess met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Cabinet Secretary Avichai Mandelblit..." [read more]

We publish an array of books on Jewish religion and ethics including fresh perspectives on Torah and liturgy.


Rabbinical Assembly The Rabbinical Assembly is a community of 1,700 Conservative/Masorti rabbis around the world who partner with the Jewish community to share and amplify a vision of Judaism that is rooted in Torah, embracing of tradition, and informed by contemporary life.

From the Leadership of the
Rabbinical Assembly

Rabbi Julie Schonfeld Leveling the Playing Field of Religious Struggle
By Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, Executive Vice President
"Should the Israeli people decide to separate synagogue and state, we would likely support that position, but until then, the playing field of ideas must be made level..." [read more]

Rabbi Gerry Skolnik Write No Requiem
For the Conservative Movement

By Rabbi Gerry Skolnik, President
"As an unrepentant (if older and wiser) child of the sixties, I have always considered it one of the sacred tasks of parenting to insure that my children -- all four of them -- know and appreciate the music that shaped my journey into adulthood.
.." [read more]



Wikipedia on Thanksgivukkah

Wikipedia has all the details on this unusual "convergence of the American holiday of Thanksgiving and the first day of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah."


Thanksgivukkah Source Sheet 

Rabbi Gail Swedroe explores the themes of religious freedom and thankfulness through the lens of both Jewish and secular texts.


Lighting the Candles:
Blessings & Songs

Text, translation, and transliteration of the blessings and popular songs to accompany the lighting of the hanukkiah.


Hidden Light

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg explores the significance of light, from Shabbat candles to "the flames of hope and courage" of Hanukkah.


History, Laws, & Customs of Hanukkah

Rabbi Alan Lucas shares the rich history behind various practices and customs associated with Hanukkah (Excerpted from the RA publication, The Observant Life).


A Prayer for the Thanksgiving Table 

Rabbi Naomi Levy inspires us to pray for those things for which we are thankful.


Thanksgiving & Gratitude: A Source Sheet

Rabbi Ashira Konigsburg explores the idea of giving thanks through various rabbinic sources.

Ba-yamim ha-heim uva-z'man ha-zeh 


Around the world, Jewish life is full of miracle and wonder.

We are thankful for the miracle of Hanukkah and the many blessings in our own lives. 

Add a photo of your family or community experiencing the joy and inspiration of Judaism.