Teshuvot Database

Displaying 301 - 320 of 393
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
Shiva When Burial is Delayed Heller, Joshua YD 375:2.2015 2015 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Recreational Sports and Exercise on Shabbat Lubliner, Jonathan OH 301:2.2015 2015 Orah Hayim Shabbat
Rice, beans and kitniyot on Pesah - are they really forbidden? Golinkin, David OH 453:1.2015a 2015 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
Chanting Psalm 118:1-4 in Hallel Alexander, Aaron | Dorff, Elliot | Hammer, Reuven OH 422:3.2015 2015 Orah Hayim Rosh Hodesh
A Teshuvah Permitting Ashkenazim to Eat Kitniyot on Pesah" Levin, Amy | Reisner, Avram 453:1.2015b 2015 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
Hazak, Hazak' in the Triennial Cycle Dorff, Elliot OH 139:11.2015 2015 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
The Status of Non-Jews in Jewish Law and Lore Hammer, Reuven HM 359.1.2016 2016 Hoshen Mishpat Robbery and Extortion
Post-Mortem Circumcision Frydman-Kohl, Baruch YD 263:5.2016 2016 Yoreh Deah Circumcision
Birkat Hamazon and Zimmun For Meals that Do Not Include Bread From the Five Species of Grain Barmash, Pamela OH 184:4.2016a 2016 Orah Hayim Meals and Birkat Hamazon
The Gluten Free Meal: A Concurrence in Concept, A Dissent in Detail:A Response to Rabbi Pamela Barmash’s “Birkat Hamazon and Zimmun Hammer, Reuven | Reisner, Avram OH 184:4.2016b 2016 Orah Hayim Meals and Birkat Hamazon
Modesty Inside and Out: A Contemporary Guide to Tzniut Booth, David | Frydman-Kohl, Baruch | Konigsburg, Ashira OH 74:2016 2016 Orah Hayim Verbal Exchange
The Dissonance of a Non-Jew Opening the Aron Kodesh/the Holy Ark Heller, Joshua | Levin, Amy EH 16.2016a 2016 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Dissenting Opinion - Kitniyot on Pesah Berkowitz, Miriam | Bickart, Noah | Frydman-Kohl, Baruch | Hoffman, David | Peltz, Micah OH 453:1.2016 2016 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
Physician Strikes Stein, Jay YD 336:1.2016 2016 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine
Dissenting Opinion to The Dissonance of a Non-Jew Opening the Aron Kodesh/the Holy Ark Dorff, Elliot EH 16.2016b 2016 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Discarding Large Quantities of Old Siddurim and Mahzorim Peltz, Micah YD 276:2016 2016 Yoreh Deah Torah Scroll
Alternative Kevura Methods Kalmanofsky, Jeremy YD 362:1.2017a 2017 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Concurring Opinion on Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky’s 'Alternative Kevurah Methods' Bickart, Noah | Heller, Joshua | Nevins, Daniel YD 362:1.2017b 2017 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Transgender Jews and Halakhah Sharzer, Leonard EH 5:11.2017b 2017 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
Concurrence to Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky’s Paper on Alternative Modes of Burial Abelson, Kassel | Dorff, Elliot | Levin, Amy YD 362:1.2017c 2017 Yoreh Deah Mourning