Social Justice

Social Justice

This section includes resources for rabbinic activism on social justice causes, including sections on individual topics.  All of the RA’s stances on social justice causes are determined by resolutions passed at our annual convention, a full list of which can be found here.  Our tzedek work is also guided by the work of our Social Justice Commission.  This section’s individual topic pages contain resources such as source sheets, homiletics, prayers, and educational resources.  From time to time, the RA makes public statements about pressing issues of the day.  For information about why and how we make public statements, please click here

The RA believes that Conservative rabbis and Conservative Jews, as enfranchised and active citizens of societies facing difficult choices, have an important role to play in shaping policy and consciousness.  In 2012 we published Hard Choices, a resource guide for discussing matters of public policy and exploring multiple perspectives on important issues.  It is meant to help Conservative rabbis articulate the relevance of Conservative Judaism’s approach in evaluating issues that affect people’s lives and futures.  You can download Hard Choices here