חושן משפט - Hoshen Mishpat
הלכות דיינים - Jurisprudence
הלכות עדות - Testimony
- הלכות מצרנותLand Settlement
הלכות שלוחין - Agency
הלכות מקח וממכר - Buying and Selling
הלכות אפיטרופוס – Guardians
הלכות שכירות פועלים - Employing Labor
הלכות גזילה - Robbery and Extortion
הלכות נזקי ממון - Monetary Damages
הלכות חובל בחברו - Harming Others
שמירת נפש - Health and Safety
הלכות דיינים - Jurisprudence
- Gordon Tucker, "A Principled Defense of the Current Structure and Status of the CJLS" HM 2.1993
- Jeremy Kalmanofsky, "Participating in the American Death Penalty" HM 2.1.2013
- Joseph Prouser, "Ana Ger Ana: May a Convert to Judaism Serve on a Bet Din" HM 7:1.2012
- Reuven Hammer, "Ana Ger Ana: A Concurrence" HM 7:1.2012b
- Jonathan Lubliner, "Ana Ger Ana: A Concurrence" HM 7:1.2012c
- Avram Reisner, "Ana Ger Ana: A Concurrence" HM 7:1.2012d
- Mayer Rabinowitz, "An Advocate's Halakhic Responses on the Ordination of Women" HM 7.4.1984a
- Joel Roth, "On the Ordination of Women as Rabbis" HM 7.4.1984b
- Mayer Rabinowitz, "A Response to Rabbi Joel Roth" HM 7.4.1984c
- Joel Roth, "A Response to Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz" HM 7.4.1984d
- Elliot Dorff and Marc Gary, "Providing References for Schools or Jobs" HM 28:1.2014
- Pamela Barmash, "Status of the Heresh and of Sign Language" HM 35:11.2011a
- Pamela Barmash, "Reading Torah in Sign Language" HM 35:11.2011b (an appendix to "Status of the Heresh and of Sign Language")
- Daniel Nevins and others, Concurring Opinion to Pamela Barmash’s Responsum, “Reading Torah in Sign Language” HM 35:11.2011c
- Avram Reisner and others, Concurring Opinion to Pamela Barmash’s Responsum, “Reading Torah in Sign Language” HM 35:11.2011d
- Elliot Dorff and Elie Spitz, Concurring Opinion to Pamela Barmash’s Responsum, “Reading Torah in Sign Language” HM 35:11.2011e
- Myron S. Geller, "Woman is Eligible to Testify" HM 35:14.2001a
- Susan Grossman, "Edut Nashim k'Edut Anashim: The Testimony of Women is as the Testimony of Men" HM 35:14.2001b
- Arnold M. Goodman, "Woman is Eligible to Testify: A Concurring Opinion" HM 35:14.2001c
- Aaron Mackler, "Edut Nashim k'Edut Anashim: The Testimony of Women is as the Testimony of Men: A Concurring Opinion" HM 35:14.2001d
- Joseph H. Prouser, "On Women Serving as Witnesses–A Dissent" HM 35:14.2001e
- Joint Beit Din Statement on Pesulei Edut (not an official position of the CJLS), 2024: English, Hebrew, Spanish
- הלכות מצרנותLand Settlement
- Nina Beth Cardin and Avram Israel Reisner, "On the Mitzvah of Sustainability" HM 175:26.2019 | Also available in Hebrew
- Daniel Nevins, "Halakhic Responses to Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Machines" HM 182.1.2019a
- Pamela Barmash, Concurring Opinion to Rabbi Daniel Nevins' "Halakhic Responses to Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Machines" HM 182.1.2019b
הלכות מקח וממכר - Buying and Selling
- Barry Leff, "Intellectual Property: Can You Steal It if You Can't Touch It?" HM 203:1.2007
- Nate Crane, "Adoption" HM 290:1.2018
הלכות שכירות פועלים - Employing Labor
- Elliot Dorff and Elie Kaplan Spitz, "Computer Privacy and the Modern Workplace" HM 331:1.2001
- Jill Jacobs, "Work, Workers and the Jewish Owner" HM 331:1.2008a
- Marc Gary, "On Expressing Compassion for Workers and Respecting their Choices: Concurring In Part and Dissenting In Part" HM 331:1.2008b
- Elliot N. Dorff, "A Concurring Opinion to 'Work, Workers, and the Jewish Owner,' by Rabbi Jill Jacobs" HM 331:1.2008c
הלכות גזילה - Robbery and Extortion
- Reuven Hammer, "The Status of Non-Jews in Jewish Law and Lore" HM 359.1.2016 | Hebrew translation
- Henry A. Sosland, "A Statement on Gambling" HM 370.1981
- David H. Lincoln, "Co-Ops for Kosher Meat" HM 376:1.1986
הלכות נזקי ממון - Monetary Damages
- Barry Leff, "Whistleblowing: The Requirement to Report Employer Wrongdoing" HM 410:8.2007
הלכות חובל בחברו - Harming Others
- Elliot N. Dorff, "Family Violence" HM 424.1995
- David M. Feldman, "Abortion: The Jewish View" HM 425:2.1983a
- Robert Gordis, "Abortion: Major Wrong or Basic Right?" HM 425:2.1983b
- Ben Zion Bokser and Kassel Abelson, "Statement on the Permissibility of Abortion" HM 425:2.1983c
- Kassel Abelson, "Prenatal Testing and Abortion" HM 425:2.1983d
- Isaac Klein, "A Teshuvah on Abortion" HM 425:2.1983e
- Avram Israel Reisner, "Ein Dohin Nefesh Mipnei Nefesh" HM 425:2.2001a
- Susan Grossman, "Partial Birth Abortion and the Question of When Life Begins" HM 425:2.2001b
- Susan Grossman, Avram Israel Reisner, "Understanding Jewish Views of Abortion: An Overview" HM 425.2.2023
- Joseph H. Prouser, "Compulsory Immunization in Jewish Day Schools" HM 427:8.2005
- Elliot N. Dorff, "Loneliness, Family, and Community During the Pandemic" HM 427:8.2020
- Seymour Siegel, "Smoking: A Jewish Perspective" HM 427:8.1986
- Reuven Hammer, "Teshuvah Concerning Smoking" HM 427:8.2020
- Micah Peltz, "Vaccination and Ethical Questions Posed by COVID-19 Vaccines" HM 427:8.2021αa
- David Golinkin, "Does Halakhah Require Vaccination Against Dangerous Diseases Such as Measles, Rubella, Polio, and COVID-19?" (Hebrew version) HM 427:8.2021αb
- Daniel Nevins, "Concurrence to Vaccination and Ethical Questions Posed by COVID-19 Vaccines" HM 427:8.2021αc
- Elliot Dorff and Susan Grossman, "Wearing Face Covering, Physical Distancing, and Other Measures to Control the COVID-19 Pandemic" HM 427:8.2021β
- Joshua Heller, "Are We There Yet? The Pandemic's End, and What Happens Then" HM 427:8:2021γ (Source Sheet)
- Raysh Weiss, "Medical and Recreational Cannabis Usage" HM 427:8:2023a
- David J. Fine, Barry Leff, "Dissenting Opinion to “Medical and Recreational Cannabis Usage” HM 427:8:2023b