Teshuvot Database

Displaying 141 - 160 of 398
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
Shabbat Corporation Arrangement Bergman, Ben Zion OH 243.1995b 1995 Orah Hayim Shabbat
Participation of Non-Jewish Parents or Grandparents in Home Religious Ceremonies Epstein, Jerome EH 16.1995 1995 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Jewish Businesses Open on Shabbat and Yom Tov: A Concurring Opinion Dorff, Elliot OH 243.1995c 1995 Orah Hayim Shabbat
A Complete Triennial Cycle for Reading the Torah Kogen, Judah OH 137.1995 1995 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
Canned Tuna Fish on Pesah Rabinowitz, Mayer OH 447:5.1995 1995 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
In Vitro Fertilization Mackler, Aaron EH 1:3.1995 1995 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
Omission of the Silent Amidah Abelson, Kassel OH 582.1995 1995 Orah Hayim Rosh Hashanah
Peri- and Neo-Natology: The Matter of Limiting Treatment Reisner, Avram YD 339.1995 1995 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine
Delay of Pidyon HaBen Kurtz, Vernon YD 305:11.1995 1995 Yoreh Deah Pidyon HaBen
The Return of Second Generation Apostates Zelizer, Gerald YD 268:12.1995 1995 Yoreh Deah Conversion
Family Violence Dorff, Elliot HM 424.1995 1995 Hoshen Mishpat Harming Others
Induction Leading to Birth of a Baby on Shabbat and Brit Milah Kurtz, Vernon YD 266:2.1996 1996 Yoreh Deah Circumcision
Organ and Tissue Donation Card Prouser, Joseph YD 336.1996 1996 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine
What Should Jewish Practice Be Following a Stillbirth? Dickstein, Stephanie YD 340:30.1996a 1996 Yoreh Deah Responding to a Death
What's In a Name?: A Concurrence and Dissent" Bergman, Ben Zion YD 340:30.1996b 1996 Yoreh Deah Responding to a Death
Exhuming the Dead Geller, Myron YD 363.1996 1996 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Solemnizing the Marriage Between a Kohen and a Divorcee Goodman, Arnold EH 6:1.1996 1996 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
Solemnizing a Marriage Between a Kohen and a Convert Goodman, Arnold EH 6:8.1996 1996 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
Mix and Match: The Use of Aramaic Phrases in Legal Documents Written in Hebrew Moses, Lionel EH 126:1.1996 1996 Even HaEzer Divorce
Issues Regarding Employment of an Intermarried Jew by a Synagogue Epstein, Jerome EH 16.1997 1997 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations