Teshuvot Database

Displaying 181 - 200 of 393
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
Welcoming Mourners on Shabbat Frydman-Kohl, Baruch YD 400:1.2000 2000 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Mental Retardation, Group Homes and the Rabbi Rosen, James YD 336:1.2000 2000 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine
Hazak, Hazak v'Nithazak Goldberg, Nechama OH 139:11.2000 2000 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
On Restoring the Shaliach L'Kabbalah Bergman, Ben Zion EH 140:3.2000 2000 Even HaEzer Divorce
Mamzerut Spitz, Elie EH 4.2000a 2000 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
A Concurring Opinion Regarding Mamzerut Nevins, Daniel EH 4.2000b 2000 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
A Stunning Matter: Stunning and Bolting After Shehitah" Rabinowitz, Mayer YD 27:1.2001a 2001 Yoreh Deah Kosher Slaughter
Ein Dohin Nefesh Mipnei Nefesh Reisner, Avram HM 425:2.2001a 2001 Hoshen Mishpat Harming Others
On the Matter of Stunning (and Bolting) Reisner, Avram YD 27:1.2001b 2001 Yoreh Deah Kosher Slaughter
Partial Birth Abortion and the Question of When Life Begins Grossman, Susan HM 425:2.2001b 2001 Hoshen Mishpat Harming Others
Computer Privacy and the Modern Workplace Dorff, Elliot | Spitz, Elie HM 331:1.2001 2001 Hoshen Mishpat Employing Labor
Woman is Eligible to Testify Geller, Myron HM 35:14.2001a 2001 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
Wired to the Kadosh Barukh Hu: Minyan via Internet Reisner, Avram OH 55:15.2001 2001 Orah Hayim Blessings
Edut Nashim k'Edut Anashim: The Testimony of Women is as the Testimony of Men Grossman, Susan HM 35:14.2001b 2001 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
Ritual of Mourning When a Body is Not Recovered Abelson, Kassel | Rabinowitz, Mayer YD 375:7.2001 2001 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Woman is Eligible to Testify: A Concurring Opinion Goodman, Arnold HM 35:14.2001c 2001 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
Edut Nashim k'Edut Anashim: The Testimony of Women is as the Testimony of Men: A Concurring Opinion Mackler, Aaron HM 35:14.2001d 2001 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
On Women Serving as Witnesses–A Dissent Prouser, Joseph HM 35:14.2001e 2001 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
When There Was No Ketubbah Roth, Joel EH 66:3.2002 2002 Even HaEzer Kiddushin and Ketubbah
Stem Cell Research Dorff, Elliot YD 336.2002 2002 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine