Whereas the Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano (SRL) Marshall T. Meyer is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its establishment in Buenos Aires, Argentina, thanks to the vision of its founder Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer, z”l ;
Whereas the SRL has been the pioneering force in the training of Spanish-speaking rabbis, cantors, academics, and educators who have provided exemplary service to Jewish communities in Latin America, the United States, Europe, and Israel;
Whereas the SRL has succeeded is assembling the most outstanding Judaica library in the Spanish language in the world;
Whereas the SRL was responsible for the publication of the Siddur, the High Holidays Mahzor, and other liturgical publications with a Spanish translation used by Conservative/Masorti communities throughout the world, as well as the publication of Majshavot, a journal of Jewish thought; and
Whereas the SRL has also served as the fountainhead of the Conservative/Masorti Movement in Latin America, sponsoring youth activities, adult education classes, and community-wide lecture series and seminars.
Therefore, the Rabbinical Assembly hereby extends its heartfelt congratulations to the SRL, its rabbinic and lay leadership, as well as its alumni, among whom are some of our most distinguished colleagues, on its outstanding achievements. At the same time, we wish the SRL continued success in its mission l’hagdil Torah u’l’ha’adirah.
Passed by the Rabbinical Assembly Plenum, June, 2013