By Rabbi Mark Greenspan
Count the broken hearts, dear Lord,
Count the shattered dreams.
Count the grieving family
And the parishioners who have lost their leaders.
Count the blood spattered bibles, mighty One.
Count the places of prayer and service
No longer a sanctuary.
Count the people robbed of refuge
By hatred and violence.
Count the lives, nine in all,
Taken from friend and kin
Count the many
Who will never be the same.
We do not know these people
But they are our brothers and sisters.
Our traditions and faiths are different,
But we serve God as they serve God.
We hope for a better day
As they hope for a better day.
We teach people to love their neighbors
As they teach people to love their neighbors.
We have a dream just as they have a dream.
Help us show the world
That love is mightier than hate
And piety can vanquish prejudice.
May all our prayers
Join together in resolve to banish hatred from the world
And bring us closer to You,
May we create a world of goodness and godliness every day. Amen