We're Proud to Present the Full Summary of Our Strategic Plan

We are excited to present to you the full summary of our RA Strategic Plan in English, Hebrew, and Spanish. Thank you to all of you who took the time to respond to our survey, participate in a 1:1 or zoom meeting, or send us comments. We are energized by the collective commitment to our RA.

Our Bold Statements are ambitious. They are designed to map out a path for our next five years. Some parts we will be able to fulfill immediately, while others will take more time to accomplish. We are beginning to implement this plan, which includes changes to the Career Center, projects of the Commission for a Vital and Connected Rabbinate, and the work of the Dover Emet group shaping our policies regarding issuing public statements.

Additionally, we are about to launch the search for our new senior executive who will help us to answer the call of our ten bold statements and who will inspire us and further our success.

Our RA is poised to move into our next chapter as a community of Conservative Masorti rabbis that will be connected to and care for one another, whose professional work is supported and uplifted, and whose voices of Torah are magnified in a significant and meaningful way. We look forward to building that RA with you!

Debra Newman-Kamin, Harold Kravitz, Sheryl Katzman
Strategic Plan Co-Chairs