Teshuvot Database

Displaying 1 - 20 of 398
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
Shabbat Morning Bat Mitzvah Bokser, Ben Zion OH 284:4.1981 1981 Orah Hayim Shabbat
Preparing and Serving Food on Shabbat Abelson, Kassel OH 318:1.1981a 1981 Orah Hayim Shabbat
Preparation and Serving of Food on Shabbat in the Synagogue" Rabinowitz, Mayer OH 318:1.1981b 1981 Orah Hayim Shabbat
Fixing a Bar Mitzvah Date Before the Birthday Lincoln, David OH 282:3.1981 1981 Orah Hayim Shabbat
Improperly Circumcised Children and Parents' Synagogue Membership Shapiro, Morris YD 262:1.1981 1981 Yoreh Deah Circumcision
The Printing of the Tetragrammaton in Hebrew on Synagogue Stationery Shapiro, Morris YD 276:13.1981 1981 Yoreh Deah Torah Scroll
A Statement on Gittin Gershfield, Edward EH 131:7.1981 1981 Even HaEzer Divorce
The Question of Yom Tov Sheini for Visitors to Israel Rabinowitz, Mayer OH 496:3.1981 1981 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
A Statement on Gambling Sosland, Henry HM 370.1981 1981 Hoshen Mishpat Robbery and Extortion
Hatafat Dam Brit Roth, Joel YD 264:1.1982b 1982 Yoreh Deah Circumcision
The Status of Non-Halakhic Conversions Novak, David YD 268:3.1982 1982 Yoreh Deah Conversion
May Baking Soda Be Used During Pesah? Abelson, Kassel OH 462:1.1982 1982 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
The Non-Jewish Spouse and Children of a Mixed Marriage in the Synagogue Abelson, Kassel EH 16.1982a 1982 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Videotaping on Shabbat Lincoln, David OH 340:3.1982a 1982 Orah Hayim Shabbat
The Mitzvah of Keruv Agus, Jacob EH 16.1982b 1982 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
May a Minor Read from the Torah? Roth, Joel OH 282:3.1982a 1982 Orah Hayim Shabbat
An Addendum to "Videotaping on Shabbat" Rabinowitz, Mayer OH 340:3.1982b 1982 Orah Hayim Shabbat
The Kashrut of Mono- and Di-Glycerides Abelson, Kassel YD 87:10.1982 1982 Yoreh Deah Milk and Meat
Keruv and the Status of Intermarried Families Gordis, Daniel | Roth, Joel EH 16.1982c 1982 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
May a Pre-Bar Mitzvah Boy Read from the Torah? Lincoln, David OH 282:3.1982b 1982 Orah Hayim Shabbat