Whereas Rabbi Ismar Schorsch has served The Jewish Theological Seminary as Chancellor for the past twenty years with distinction;
Whereas Rabbi Schorsch articulated his vision to the community with the publication of Sacred Cluster: The Core Values of Conservative Judaism;
Whereas Rabbi Schorsch implemented that vision by committing JTS to train the next generation of Jewish educators by establishing the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education;
Whereas Rabbi Schorsch has continued his commitment to Jewish education by serving as a guiding force behind the establishment of the Solomon Schechter High School of New York;
Whereas Rabbi Schorsch established Project Judaica to bring his vision of Conservative Judaism to Jews living in the Former Soviet Union;
Whereas Rabbi Schorsch has led JTS to serve as a Jewish voice on public issues from expanding the rights and religious identity of Conservative/Masorti Jews in Israel, to the environment, to bioethics, and healthcare;
Whereas Rabbi Schorsch’s personal commitment to scholarship and academic excellence has been a model for the faculty and students at JTS; and
Whereas under Rabbi Schorsch’s leadership, The Jewish Theological Seminary successfully completed a $250 million capital campaign.
Therefore be it resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly extol Rabbi Schorsch on his twenty years of dedicated service to The Jewish Theological Seminary;
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly praise Rabbi Schorsch for his commitment to a strong world-wide Conservative/Masorti Jewry; and
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly wish him hatzlahah rabbah in his future endeavors as a scholar and teacher among the Jewish people.
Passed by the Rabbinical Assembly Plenum, March 2006