Whereas the observance of Shabbat has been a defining mitzvah for the Jewish people;
Whereas the Rabbinical Assembly is committed to the halakhic observance of Shabbat;
Whereas the Rabbinical Assembly and the Masorti Movement seek to expand and enhance the joy of Shabbat among the Jewish people;
Whereas we recognize the rights of individuals while seeking to preserve the Jewish character of the State of Israel;
Whereas we seek common ground and not coercion in matters relating to Shabbat observance; and
Whereas we recognize that the Rabbinical Assembly along with the Masorti Movement provide a positive gateway to Shabbat observance for many Jews in Israel.
Therefore be it resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly encourage all Jews to experience the joy of the halakhic observance of Shabbat;
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly express its support for the various efforts to establish an agreed pattern of public observance of Shabbat in Israel, which would ban all shopping and sales on Shabbat, while allowing cultural activities; and
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly encourage a timely adoption by the Knesset of the law which would establish this pattern.