Whereas the Conservative/Masorti Movement through partnering with green organizations, seeks to promote environmental awareness, education and sustainable development in Israel;
Whereas in the absence of responsible management of natural resources, the ecosystems in Israel upon which life is dependent will collapse under the pressures of development and the increase in population and consumption;
Whereas ecological services are a cultural asset and an essential building block in Israel’s heritage, creating social unity, along with national and civic identity;
Whereas previous Rabbinical Assembly resolutions have affirmed policy statements and programs including: 1) promoting independence from volatile sources of energy, 2) facilitating carbon reduction strategies in our institutions and homes world-wide, 3) support of international efforts to shift from high-carbon to low-carbon energy production; and
Whereas over 100 environmental organizations (under the umbrella organization of “Chaim Usvivah” – Life and Environment) are actively involved in efforts to preserve and enhance Israel’s precious natural resources.
Therefore be it resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly support the efforts of these environmental organizations;
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly support the efforts to maintain Israel’s beaches, clean up Israel’s valleys (wadis) and water resources, curb urban pollution and create laws which will establish legal responsibility upon polluters to return nature to its previous state; and
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly encourage its members to support the work of environmental organizations in Israel including Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael (and its international partners, including the Jewish National Fund), SPNI, and the Heschel Center for Environmental Learning and Leadership, through education and fund raising in our institutions and communities.
Passed by the Rabbinical Assembly Plenum, Februrary, 2009