5784 Annual Campaign: Donate Below

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For over half a century, a modest office in the headquarters of the Rabbinical Assembly served as a center-point of creativity and compassion. Within that office occupied by Rabbi Jules Harlow z”l for some thirty-five years, Conservative Movement liturgy was revitalized, rabbinic work strengthened, and treasures of Hebrew literature made accessible to a wide audience. Upon Jules’ retirement in 1994, a new occupant of that very same office, Rabbi Jan Caryl Kaufman, established that small working space as an epitome of connection, from which no colleague would be neglected, no programmatic detail overlooked, and in which all would feel welcome, valued and loved.

Months ago, two colleagues were chosen to be the honorees for our RA Annual Campaign. Jules Harlow and Jan Kaufman were selected, both undoubtedly highly worthy of recognition for careers and rabbinates of great distinction, each having strengthened individual rabbis, rabbinic families and our RA in countless ways. With deep sadness, of course, we have very recently marked the passing of Jules Harlow, z”l, a great loss for us and for the Jewish world as a whole. As we launch our campaign, we will seek the support of colleagues and communities touched by the lifetime achievements of Jan and Jules, as we honor Jan and as we remember Jules.

Jules Harlow, initially appointed Associate Director of the Rabbinical Assembly in 1959, was ultimately designated Founding Editor. One cannot overstate the significance of what became known as the Harlow Mahzor, and Siddur Sim Shalom in their contemporizing of our liturgy while remaining loyal to age-old traditions and practice. It was through Jules that the enormity of historical transformations of the twentieth century, the Shoah and the establishment of the State of Israel found their way in our prayer books, ensuring the continued relevance of our liturgy. And it was through Jules that rabbinic work was strengthened through his editing of Likutei Tefillah, for decades our go-to rabbis’ manual, and his editing of Conservative Judaism and so many other publications of consequence to our rabbinates and our communities.

It would be hard to imagine a colleague more worthy of taking over Jules’ office upon his retirement than Jan Caryl Kaufman. Jan’s official title was Director of Special Projects. One would assume that would have meant convention planning, activity organization and publications, all of which were part of Jan’s activities. But so much of Jan’s activity, continuing into her retirement, involved remembering those most likely to be forgotten, including widows (and now widowers) of deceased colleagues, colleagues in distress or in need of outreach, with whom she remains in touch to this day. Jan has always understood that it is easy to become lost in a large organization, thus her choice “special project” has always been finding those among us who feel lost, and making them and all of us feel remembered and appreciated.

As we launch our 2024 Rabbinical Assembly Campaign, we ask you to join us in honoring our colleague Jan Caryl Kaufman and remembering our colleague Jules Harlow z”l with your generous support. Every contribution made to our Rabbinical Assembly helps us fulfill our mission of connecting and supporting rabbis, serving as the rabbinic voice in the world, and creating a stronger RA and Conservative/Masorti Movement.  

Thank you!

Phil Scheim and Andi Merow
2024 RA Annual Campaign Co-Chairs


*Canadian donors only, please click here and select RA Annual Campaign in the drop down menu.

The Rabbinical Assembly has been recognized as an entity organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes as described under Section 501(c)(3); it is excluded from the category of private foundations by Section 509(a)(1). Accordingly, contributions to the Rabbinical Assembly are deductible for income, gift and estate tax purposes under Sections 170(a) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Rabbinical Assembly has been assigned the Federal Tax I! identification Number 13-1663324. In accordance with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service, we confirm to you that no goods, services or benefits were provided to you for your generous contribution.

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If you'd like to leave a message for Rabbi Jan Caryl Kaufman or Navah Harlow, please do so here: