
Brit Kodesh: Brit Milah Training for Healthcare Professionals

Sunday November 12-Thursday, November 16
Los Angeles

The next Brit Kodesh training for Conservative/Masorti mohalim/mohalot will be offered in Los Angeles from Sunday, November 12th through Thursday, November 16, 2023! 

We are currently accepting applications from prospective participants. We accept applications only from practicing physicians and healthcare professionals who have extensive training and experience performing circumcisions. All applications must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a referring rabbi, who is a member of the Rabbinical Assembly.

Participants must commit to the entire in-person conference in Los Angeles beginning Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 2:00 PM PT through Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 4:00 PM PT. See below for a preview of the application questions.

Apply here.

Contact Rabbi Ilana Garber at with questions.

Brit Kodesh Program Application Questions and Information to Prepare:

Section 1:  Personal/Contact Information

  • Name, Email, Hebrew name as called to the Torah
  • Addresses: Business and Home
  • Phone Number: Cell/Mobile
  • Best way to reach you
  • Birth date and birth place

Section 2a:  Professional Background

  • Medical/Professional School
  • Year of Degree
  • Intern/Residency
  • Present Specialty/Practice
  • Medical License
  • Current Malpractice Insurance: Y/N/Other
  • Have you ever been the subject of professional discipline from any federal, state, or local medical authorities? If yes, please explain.
  • Have you ever been arrested, tried, and/or convicted of any crime? If yes, please explain.
  • Do you presently perform circumcision as part of your practice? Y/Other

Section 2b:  Experience with Circumcision

  • If you presently perform circumcision as part of your practice, how many years have you been doing so?
  • Where did you receive training to perform medical circumcisions?

Section 3:  Jewish Background

  • Are you currently a member of a Conservative synagogue? Y/N/Other
  • What is the name and address of your synagogue?
  • What is the name of your rabbi (If your rabbi is not a member of the Rabbinical Assembly, we will require another RA member to serve as your sponsor.)
  • Please provide your rabbi’s email address.
  • Please describe your religious education (from childhood through today, including your ongoing commitment to Talmud Torah).
  • Please describe your observance of Jewish law according to the Committee of Jewish Law and Standards positions (for example: kashrut, Shabbat, tefillah, partnering/marrying within Judaism).
  • Please describe your commitment to perform brit milah according to halakha (Jewish law).
  • Are you able to READ Hebrew? Yes/Not Yet/Other
  • Are you able to WRITE Hebrew? Yes/Not Yet/Other
  • If you are not able to read Hebrew, we will arrange virtual private tutoring sessions with a rabbi for $500 additional. Please check here if you are interested in this service. You may also want to ask your rabbi/synagogue if this learning is offered in person. Yes/No/Other

Section 4:  Documentation
The following documents are required as part of your application and need to be sent via e-mail after submitting the online application.

  1. Competency in circumcision as evidenced by either a letter from the head of the training program or a letter from the head of the hospital or department at which you have privileges
  2. Evidence of malpractice insurance covering circumcision
  3. Copy of current license to practice medicine
  4. Letter of recommendation from your rabbi (sponsoring rabbi must be a member of the Rabbinical Assembly)
  5. Headshot and brief bio for our "get to know you" book