Wednesday, October 6, from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Presented by Rabbi Amy Eilberg
Bitachon can be one of the most difficult middot for us post-moderns - as clergy and as Jews. How do we cultivate bitachon when we know all too well that bad things do happen to all people? What does bitachon mean for those of us who don’t have a strong belief in a personal God? How can we practice bitachon in times as hard as the ones in which we live? Many such questions may challenge our own personal practice of bitachon, as well as our confidence in teaching it to our people.
In this session, we will explore mussar texts and practices, as well as the wisdom of our own lives, around the middah of bitachon. We will hold one another in a sacred circle of sharing, study and practice that I trust will be enriching for all of us.
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