An International Seminar for Halakhic Study

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December 11, 2022

CJLS is proud to present the International Seminar for Halakhic Study, a movement-wide seminar in which Conservative/Masorti congregations, communities, and schools will come together to study a specific teshuvah of the CJLS. The recommended day for the International Seminar for Halakhic Study is Sunday, December 11, 2022, but materials will be available in early November for those who wish to pick another date.

We will learn the teshuva co-authored by Nina Beth Cardin & Avram Reisner

Ma’asei Yadai L’hitpa-er: On the Mitzvah of Sustainability

In November we will send an introductory video from the authors and a study guide with texts and questions. Everything will be translated into Hebrew and Spanish!

December 11th, 2022 9:00 AM