Israel Educational Encounters - Elections Explained

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Tuesday, November 29th; 12:30 - 2:00 pm ET/9:30 - 11:00 am PT/ 7:30 - 9:30 PM Israel

Instructors: Amichai Chikli, Alon Tal, Rakefet Ginsberg

As Israelis head to the polls (again), let’s try to understand what this latest round of elections means and how it will impact us as Conservative/Masorti rabbis and in our communities. Rakefet Ginsberg, CEO of Masorti Israel, will be joined by Amichai Chikli (served in 24th Knesset on the Yamina party slate; and he lives on Hannaton) and Alon Tal (current member of Knesset; founder of Arava Institute; and a member of our kehillah Shalhevet Hamakabim!). They will unpack the latest developments in real time and answer our questions. Brought to us by our Israel Educational Encounters team.

November 29th, 2022 12:30 PM through  2:00 PM