Convention 2024

Event Title


Monday, December 9 - Thursday, December 12

Dan Hotel Jerusalem, Lehi St 32, Jerusalem, Israel


Friday, December 13 - Motzei Shabbat, December 14

The Inbal Jerusalem Hotel, Ze'ev Jabotinsky St 3, Jerusalem, Israel

Join Us For The 2024 Rabbinical Assembly Convention

We will connect with colleagues worldwide and learn together for professional and spiritual growth. Using Israel as our laboratory, we will explore the incredible work of individuals, colleagues, and organizations across Israel since October 7th. Through this shared experience we will explore how we each align our dreams for our unique rabbinates, the Conservative/Masorti movement, and Israel with practical strategies for implementation.

Please note: 

All registration levels—General, Subsidized, or Supporter—include a shared Deluxe Room at the Dan Jerusalem from December 9th to 12th, covering all programming, activities, travel costs, and meals (three breakfasts, two lunches, three dinners, and snacks) from Monday afternoon to Thursday noon. There is a field in the registration form to indicate a preference for a roommate.

For more information, including a full breakdown of pricing, please visit our Convention landing page and FAQ.

(including yourself)
Fill in your registration information on this page. If you are registering additional people, you will be able to enter their registration information after you complete this page and click "Review your registration".
Convention 2024 Registration Information
Conference Fee
We are grateful to Karen Kayemeth LeIsrael for a generous grant that allows us to offer general registration for colleagues and their family members (at $795 per person), approximately half of our actual cost per person. Even then, we understand that travel and registration costs can be prohibitively expensive for some to attend. Our need-based pricing structure will allow for a limited number of registrations at a further subsidized rate of $595 per person (for members only). We invite those who are able to register at the supporter rate of ($1195 per person) to cover the actual cost of registration. Additional opportunities to sponsor colleagues are also available below.
The Shabbaton price includes a shared Standard Room at the Inbal Hotel for Thursday and Friday night with check out at Motzei Shabbat, as well as all Shabbaton programming. The following meals will be provided: breakfast and dinner on Friday and Shabbat breakfast, lunch, Seudah Shlishit, and Saturday night dinner. Participants can choose to upgrade to a single room or extend their stay to Saturday night, which will include Sunday breakfast. We will also transport participants and their luggage by bus from the Dan Hotel Jerusalem to The Inbal on Thursday afternoon. Thursday dinner and Friday lunch are on your own.
Total for this participant
Credit Card
If you have a PayPal account, you can click the PayPal button to continue. Otherwise, fill in the credit card and billing information on this form and click Continue at the bottom of the page.
Checkout securely. Pay without sharing your financial information.
Billing Name and Address