Israel Educational Encounters - Elections Explained

Tuesday, November 29th; 12:30 - 2:00 pm ET/9:30 - 11:00 am PT/ 7:30 - 9:30 PM Israel

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As Israelis head to the polls (again), let’s try to understand what this latest round of elections means and how it will impact us as Conservative/Masorti rabbis and in our communities. Rakefet Ginsberg, CEO of Masorti Israel, will be joined by Amichai Chikli (served in 24th Knesset on the Yamina party slate; and he lives on Hannaton) and Alon Tal (current member of Knesset; founder of Arava Institute; and a member of our kehillah Shalhevet Hamakabim!). They will unpack the latest developments in real time and answer our questions. Brought to us by our Israel Educational Encounters team.