Leading Through Communications 2016: Conservative Rabbis in the 21st Century

“Presentation matters and public speaking and multimedia skills are becoming a bigger determinant of an individual’s success.  The substance of a presentation is important, but how you communicate the information is what really matters.”
(Wall Street Journal - January, 2015)

Faculty | Schedule

So much of our work as rabbis, no matter what the nature of our rabbinic position, is about communication. Rabbinic communication for the 21st century utilizes both new techniques and familiar ones that embrace new possibilities. The Rabbinical Assembly, following a most successful communications conference in 2015, is offering a second program on communications in the 21st Century that will offer learning for first-time participants and an advanced track for those who were able to participate last year. Join the Rabbinical Assembly for an intensive, energizing, and supportive experience where we will acquire skills that will reinvigorate our teaching, speaking, leadership, and pastoral communications.

This comprehensive seminar will also address issues of communication in individual and group meetings, instruction as to how we respond most effectively to the press when called upon to comment on issues of the day and how in every interaction we can, most effectively, lead, inspire, comfort and engage. 

Dan Broden and the team at Broden Communications will, once again, guide us towards new skills and methodologies that will enable us to draw on our own talents and instincts for leadership. We will also develop new strategies for sharing Torah from Dan and his team and from one another. Most importantly, in our time together we will be able to offer each other support in reimagining how we can effectively impact the communities we serve in this time when modern techniques of communication can be powerful tools for sharing the values and aspirations of Torah.

The rest of our esteemed faculty will include:
Rev. Dr. James Alexander Forbes, Jr., Senior Minester Emeritus of the Riverside Church
Rabbi Judith Hauptman, E. Bill Ivry Professor of Talmud and Rabbinic Culture at JTS
Dr. Walter Herzberg, Assistant Professor of Bible and Professional and Pastoral Skills at JTS
Kevin Martone, Technology Program Manager for JCamp 180 and PJ Library

There are significant costs in creating a conference like this, but thanks to a generous grant we are able to invite a wonderful faculty and provide comfortable surroundings at a significantly reduced cost (approximately 46% of the real costs per person). The conference will be limited to 40 participants, so reservations will be taken on a first come, first served basis up to the 40th reservation.

Dates: August 29 - September 1, 2016
Location: Pearlstone Conference Center,
Baltimore MD
Cost: $650 (Single supplement $150)

Register Now




Dan Broden Dan Broden
President and founder of Broden Communications, Dan Broden is a former national television anchor and reporter, as well as an attorney. Through media training, presentation skills coaching and job interview training, Dan has earned national acclaim for his counsel to clients on mastering the art of persuasive communication. 
Rev. Dr. James Alexander Forbes, Jr Rev. Dr. James Alexander Forbes, Jr
Senior Minister Emeritus of the Riverside Church and President of the Healing of the Nations Foundation. For 15 years prior, he served as an Associate Professor and later Professor of Preaching at Union Theological Seminary. In national and international religious circles, Dr. Forbes is known as the preacher's preacher because of his extensive preaching career and his charismatic style. From 1992 to the present, Dr. Forbes has been co-chair of A Partnership of Faith, an interfaith organization of clergy among New York's Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim communities. 
Rabbi Judith Hauptman
Rabbi Judith Hauptman
E. Bill Ivry Professor of Talmud and Rabbinic Culture at The Jewish Theological Seminary. Dr. Hauptman's scholarly research focuses on two areas: Unraveling the mystery of how the Talmud came into being and Investigating women's roles in Judaic thought, bringing an evaluation of the social and ethical norms of the rabbinic period into dialogue with contemporary issues. She is author of many publications and articles including: Development of the Talmudic Sugya: Relationship Between Tannaitic and Amoraic SourcesRereading the Mishnah: A New Approach to Ancient Jewish Texts, and Rereading the Rabbis, A Woman's Voice
Dr. Walter Herzberg Dr. Walter Herzberg 
Assistant professor of Bible and Professional and Pastoral Skills at The Jewish Theological Seminary, has devoted the bulk of his career to guiding students in the classroom and online in the reading of the Bible using a methodological approach and integrating modern literary close reading techniques with the study of traditional Jewish commentary. He is currently working with Dr. Steven Kepnes, on a book titled Reading the Bible for Meaning: A Theology of Biblical Exegesis.
Kevin Martone Kevin Martone 
Technology Program Manager for JCamp 180 and PJ Library, Kevin Martone focuses on how organizations can effectively use technology for fundraising and outreach. Kevin has more than 15 years of experience helping organizations utilize technology solutions to meet their goals. He helps PJ Library communities and Jewish Camps utilize databases, eNewsletters, social media, and other technologies effectively to support fundraising and outreach goals.  


Monday - August 29, 2016

4:00-5:00 pm

Welcome, Orientation, Meet the group, Minhah

5:00-6:30 pm

Presentation Training - Tutorial (entire group) – Dan Broden and Team

6:30-7:30 pm


7:30-8:45 pm

Media Training Tutorial (group)

9:00-10:45 pm

Maariv followed by Informal Conversations and Refreshments

Tuesday - August 30, 2016

7:30-8:15 am


8:15-9:00 am


9:00-10:30 am

Limmud sessions – Rabbi Dr. Judith Hauptman and Dr. Walter Herzberg

10:45-12:15 pm

Presentation Training – Practice Breakout Sessions

12:15-1:15 pm


1:15-3:00 pm

Presentation Training – Practice Breakout Sessions

3:00-3:30 pm

Presentation Training – Best Practices Discussion (group)

3:45-5:15 pm

Social Media with Kevin Martone

5:15-5:45 pm


5:45-6:30 pm

Leisure Time

6:30-7:30 pm


7:30-9:00 pm

Rev. Forbes

9:00 -??


Wednesday - August 31, 2016

7:30-8:15 am


8:15-9:00 am


9:00-10:30 am

Limmud sessions – Rabbi Dr. Judith Hauptman and Dr. Walter Herzberg

10:45-12:45 pm

Presentation Training – Practice Breakout Sessions

12:45-1:45 pm


1:45-3:00 pm

Presentation Training – Practice Breakout Sessions

3:00-4:30 pm

Presentation Training – Final Best Practices Discussion (group)


Evening social activity

Thursday Morning - September 1, 2016

7:30-8:15 am


8:15-9:00 am


9:00-10:30 am

Final Presentation

10:30-12:00 pm

Media Training and Final Thoughts


Lunch & Farewell:  Closing Circle/Sharing re: responses to days of learning shared