Mi Shebeyrakh Teshuvah Learning

Wednesday, November 29th, 1 - 2 PM ET / 10 - 11 AM PT / 8 - 9 PM Israel Time


When Should a Person Come Off the Communal Prayer List? 

Join our colleagues Daniel Greyber and Micah Peltz as they present their teshuvah and practical applications of their learning. This session is open to rabbis, cantors, and anyone else who is interested in ritual decisions. Questions answered in their teshuvah include the following:

What guidance can traditional Jewish sources offer about when one should and should not pray for someone who is ill? What about mental, terminal, or chronic illnesses? When should we stop including someone’s name in prayers for healing because they have crossed the threshold from illness to health? When should we stop praying for someone’s healing because it cannot be reasonably expected?

This session will be recorded.