Reimagining the Rabbinate: Synagogue Executive Director

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The Reimagining the Rabbinate series features presentations from our colleagues who have made successful career transitions to areas outside the pulpit rabbinate.

Topic: Synagogue Executive Director 
Presenter: Richard Hammerman 
Dial-in info: 1-800-566-2245, passcode 206208

Reimagining the Rabbinate is a project of the Joint Placement Commission, and is hosted by Elliot Schoenberg, International Director of Placeemnt, RA.

In 2005 Richard Hammerman retired as Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation B'nai Israel, Toms River, New Jersey after serving as its rabbi and community leader and activist for over 31 years. He, along with his wife Sharon, moved to Caldwell, NJ to affiliate as members of Congregation Agudath Israel.  Joining the Professional Staff in February 2008, Rabbi Hammerman shepherded the congregation into its newly rebuilt facility, concluded the construction of the synagogue and added the finishing touches to the beautifully renewed Congregation Agudath Israel building.