Teshuvot Database

Displaying 21 - 40 of 398
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
The Mitzvah of Keruv Sky, Harry EH 16.1982e 1982 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
The Question of Hattafat Dam Brit (Hebrew) Novak, David YD 264:1.1982a 1982 Yoreh Deah Circumcision
Hatafat Dam Brit Roth, Joel YD 264:1.1982b 1982 Yoreh Deah Circumcision
The Use of Mausoleums for Jewish Burial Lincoln, David YD 362:1.1983 1983 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Abortion: The Jewish View Feldman, David HM 425:2.1983a 1983 Hoshen Mishpat Harming Others
The Text of the Ketubbah Shapiro, Morris EH 66:6.1983a 1983 Even HaEzer Kiddushin and Ketubbah
Abortion: Major Wrong or Basic Right? Gordis, Robert HM 425:2.1983b 1983 Hoshen Mishpat Harming Others
Statement on the Permissibility of Abortion Abelson, Kassel | Bokser, Ben Zion HM 425:2.1983c 1983 Hoshen Mishpat Harming Others
Sociological Reality and Textual Traditions: Their Tension in the Ketubbah Gordis, Daniel | Roth, Joel EH 66:6.1983b 1983 Even HaEzer Kiddushin and Ketubbah
Prenatal Testing and Abortion Abelson, Kassel HM 425:2.1983d 1983 Hoshen Mishpat Harming Others
A Proposal for the Text of the Ketubbah Gordis, Robert EH 66:6.1983c 1983 Even HaEzer Kiddushin and Ketubbah
A Teshuvah on Abortion Klein, Isaac HM 425:2.1983e 1983 Hoshen Mishpat Harming Others
A Statement on Funerals in the Synagogue Bokser, Ben Zion YD 353:3.1983 1983 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Kashering a Microwave Oven for Pesah Abelson, Kassel OH 451:5.1983 1983 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
May a Mausoleum Be Used for Jewish Burial? Feldman, Morris YD 362:1.1983 1983 Yoreh Deah Mourning
A Pesah Guide Rabinowitz, Mayer OH 453.1984 1984 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
Accepting Egyptian Karaites into Our Communities" Lincoln, David EH 4:37.1984 1984 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
An Advocate's Halakhic Responses on the Ordination of Women Rabinowitz, Mayer HM 7.4.1984a 1984 Hoshen Mishpat Jurisprudence
On the Ordination of Women as Rabbis Roth, Joel HM 7.4.1984b 1984 Hoshen Mishpat Jurisprudence
A Response to Rabbi Joel Roth Rabinowitz, Mayer HM 7.4.1984c 1984 Hoshen Mishpat Jurisprudence