Teshuvot Database

Displaying 201 - 220 of 393
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
Stem Cell Research Dorff, Elliot YD 336.2002 2002 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine
The Kashrut of Mashuah Tefillin Simon, Charles OH 32:7.2002 2002 Orah Hayim Tefillin
Removing a Mezuzah Kurtz, Vernon YD 291:2.2003 2003 Yoreh Deah Mezuzah
Recitation of Amen Between Ge'ulah and Tefillah Harris, Robert OH 66:7.2003 2003 Orah Hayim Blessings
Kashrut in the Synagogue Drazen, Paul OH 451.2003 2003 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
Status of Transsexuals Rabinowitz, Mayer EH 5:11.2003 2003 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
Towards an Egalitarian Ketubbah Bergman, Ben Zion EH 66:11.2003b 2003 Even HaEzer Kiddushin and Ketubbah
The Participation of Jews Who are Blind in the Torah Service Nevins, Daniel OH 139:2.2003 2003 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
On the Exodus of Shemot Reisner, Avram YD 276:9.2003 2003 Yoreh Deah Torah Scroll
Ad Heikhan Hu Bodek? -- Contemporary Criteria for the Declaration of Death Nevins, Daniel YD 370:1.2004 2004 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Manual for Supervising the Kashrut of Bakeries Plotkin, Paul OH 451.2004 2004 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
On the Sale of Holy Property: A Concurring Opinion Mackler, Aaron OH 153:2.2005b 2005 Orah Hayim Synagogue
Breastfeeding in Public Artson, Bradley Shavit OH 75:1.2005a 2005 Orah Hayim K'riat Shema
Breastfeeding in Public: A Dissent Plotkin, Paul OH 75:1.2005b 2005 Orah Hayim K'riat Shema
Compulsory Immunization in Jewish Day Schools Prouser, Joseph HM 427:8.2005 2005 Hoshen Mishpat Health and Safety
Suicide Abelson, Kassel YD 345:2.2005 2005 Yoreh Deah Mourning
On the Sale of Holy Property Fine, David OH 153:2.2005a 2005 Orah Hayim Synagogue
Same-Sex Attraction and Halakhah: A Concurring Opinion Weiss, Loel EH 24.2006e 2006 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Observing Niddah in Our Day Reisner, Avram YD 183.2006c 2006 Yoreh Deah Niddah
A New Context: The Halakhah of Same-Sex Relations Fine, David | Fine, Robert | Geller, Myron EH 24.2006f 2006 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations