Teshuvot Database
Displaying 221 - 240 of 394
Title | Authors | SA Code | Year | SA Category | SA Sub Category | Action |
Mikveh and the Sanctity of Family Relations | Berkowitz, Miriam | Grossman, Susan | Reisner, Avram | YD 183.2006a | 2006 | Yoreh Deah | Niddah | |
Same-Sex Attraction and Halakhah | Levy, Leonard | EH 24.2006c | 2006 | Even HaEzer | Interpersonal Relations | |
Mikveh and the Sanctity of Being Created Human | Grossman, Susan | YD 183.2006b | 2006 | Yoreh Deah | Niddah | |
Homosexuality and Halakhah | Frydman-Kohl, Baruch | EH 24.2006d | 2006 | Even HaEzer | Interpersonal Relations | |
Observing Niddah in Our Day | Reisner, Avram | YD 183.2006c | 2006 | Yoreh Deah | Niddah | |
Same-Sex Attraction and Halakhah: A Concurring Opinion | Weiss, Loel | EH 24.2006e | 2006 | Even HaEzer | Interpersonal Relations | |
Reshaping the Laws of Family Purity for the Modern World | Berkowitz, Miriam | YD 183.2006d | 2006 | Yoreh Deah | Niddah | |
A New Context: The Halakhah of Same-Sex Relations | Fine, David | Fine, Robert | Geller, Myron | EH 24.2006f | 2006 | Even HaEzer | Interpersonal Relations | |
Mitzvah Children | Abelson, Kassel | Dorff, Elliot | EH 1:5.2007 | 2007 | Even HaEzer | Marriage and Fertility | |
Whistleblowing: The Requirement to Report Employer Wrongdoing | Leff, Barry | HM 410:8.2007 | 2007 | Hoshen Mishpat | Monetary Damages | |
Veal Calves | Barmash, Pamela | YD 24.2007a | 2007 | Yoreh Deah | Kosher Slaughter | |
Veal Calves: A Dissenting Opinion | Plotkin, Paul | YD 24.2007b | 2007 | Yoreh Deah | Kosher Slaughter | |
Tevilat Kelim | Rabinowitz, Mayer | Reisner, Avram | YD 120:1.2007 | 2007 | Yoreh Deah | Foreign Foods | |
Intellectual Property: Can You Steal It if You Can't Touch It? | Leff, Barry | HM 203:1.2007 | 2007 | Hoshen Mishpat | Buying and Selling | |
Saying Kaddish for Twelve Months, A Valid Alternative | Plavin, Richard | Rabinowitz, Mayer | YD 376:4.2008 | 2008 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | |
Choosing Our Children’s Genes: The Use of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis | Popovsky, Mark | EH 1:5.2008a | 2008 | Even HaEzer | Marriage and Fertility | |
PGD:Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis – An Ideological Dissent | Reisner, Avram | Wind, Marilyn | EH 1:5.2008b | 2008 | Even HaEzer | Marriage and Fertility | |
Work, Workers and the Jewish Owner | Jacobs, Jill | HM 331:1.2008a | 2008 | Hoshen Mishpat | Employing Labor | |
On Expressing Compassion for Workers and Respecting their Choices: Concurring In Part and Dissenting In Part | Gary, Marc | HM 331:1.2008b | 2008 | Hoshen Mishpat | Employing Labor | |
A Concurring Opinion to 'Work, Workers, and the Jewish Owner,' by Rabbi Jill Jacobs | Dorff, Elliot | HM 331:1.2008c | 2008 | Hoshen Mishpat | Employing Labor |