Teshuvot Database

Displaying 241 - 260 of 393
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
A Missed Day in the Life of the Omer Artson, Bradley Shavit OH 489:8.2009 2009 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
V'shinantam Livanecha Stein, Jay YD 245:3.2009 2009 Yoreh Deah Jewish Education
Donations of Ill-Gotten Gain Dorff, Elliot YD 259:2.2009 2009 Yoreh Deah Tzedakah
May a Convert Use a Name other than “Ploni ben/bat Avraham Avinu?” Leff, Barry YD 269:1.2010a 2010 Yoreh Deah Conversion
May a Convert Use a Name other than “Ploni ben/bat Avraham Avinu?” a Concurring Opinion Dorff, Elliot YD 269:1.2010b 2010 Yoreh Deah Conversion
May a Convert Use a Name other than “Ploni ben/bat Avraham Avinu?” A Dissenting Opinion Berkowitz, Miriam YD 269:1.2010c 2010 Yoreh Deah Conversion
Contraception Berkowitz, Miriam | Popovsky, Mark EH 5:12.2010 2010 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
Non-Jews and Kippah in the Synagogue Stein, Jay OH 91:3.2010 2010 Orah Hayim The Amidah
May a Convert Use a Name other than “Ploni ben/bat Avraham Avinu?” A Concurring Opinion Labovitz, Gail YD 269:1.2010d 2010 Yoreh Deah Conversion
Burial of a Non-Jewish Spouse Abelson, Kassel | Weiss, Loel YD 367:1.2010 2010 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Violent and Defamatory Video Games Dorff, Elliot | Hearshen, Joshua EH 21:1.2010 2010 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Organ Donation After Cardiac Death Sharzer, Leonard YD 370:1.2010 2010 Yoreh Deah Mourning
On Proving Jewish Identity Hammer, Reuven YD 268:10.2011 2011 Yoreh Deah Conversion
Concurring Opinion to Pamela Barmash's Responsum, 'Status of the Heresh and of Sign Language' Nevins, Daniel HM 35:11.2011c 2011 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
Concurring Opinion to Pamela Barmash's Responsum, 'Status of the Heresh and of Sign Language' Reisner, Avram HM 35:11.2011d 2011 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
Concurring Opinion to Pamela Barmash's Responsum, 'Status of the Heresh and of Sign Language' Dorff, Elliot | Spitz, Elie HM 35:11.2011e 2011 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
Supervision of Passover Food Plotkin, Paul OH 453.2011 2011 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
Status of the Heresh and of Sign Language Barmash, Pamela HM 35:11.2011a 2011 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
Reading Torah in Sign Language Barmash, Pamela HM 35:11.2011b 2011 Hoshen Mishpat Testimony
The Non-Fasting Shaliah Tzibbur on Yom Kippur" Labovitz, Gail OH 618:1.2012 2012 Orah Hayim Yom Kippur