Teshuvot Database
Displaying 61 - 80 of 398
Title | Authors | SA Code | Year | SA Category | SA Sub Category | Action |
Co-Ops for Kosher Meat | Lincoln, David | HM 376:1.1986 | 1986 | Hoshen Mishpat | Robbery and Extortion | |
Treatment of the Loss of a Fetus Through Miscarriage | Aizenberg, Isidoro | YD 340:30.1987 | 1987 | Yoreh Deah | Responding to a Death | |
Annual and Triennial Systems for Reading the Torah | Dorff, Elliot | OH 137.1987a | 1987 | Orah Hayim | Torah Reading | |
Is There an Authentic Triennial Cycle of Torah Readings? | Moses, Lionel | OH 137.1987b | 1987 | Orah Hayim | Torah Reading | |
On the Status of Missing Persons | Aizenberg, Isidoro | YD 397.1987 | 1987 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | |
A New Ketubbah Text | EH 66:6.1987 | 1987 | Even HaEzer | Kiddushin and Ketubbah | ||
Mourning for a Newborn | Aizenberg, Isidoro | YD 374:8.1987 | 1987 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | |
May an Avowed Atheist Serve as Shali'ah Tzibbur? | Lincoln, David | OH 53:4.1987 | 1987 | Orah Hayim | Blessings | |
May the Reception Following an Intermarriage be Held in a Conservative Synagogue? | Sosland, Henry | EH 16.1987 | 1987 | Even HaEzer | Interpersonal Relations | |
Blowing the Shofar After Ma'ariv Following Yom Kippur | Pollak, George | OH 623:6.1987 | 1987 | Orah Hayim | Yom Kippur | |
A Complete Triennial Cycle for Reading the Torah - Modification | Eisenberg, Richard | OH 137.1988 | 1988 | Orah Hayim | Torah Reading | |
Synagogue Policy Concerning Bringing Foods Prepared in the Home into the Synagogue | Pollak, George | YD 119:7.1988 | 1988 | Yoreh Deah | Foreign Foods | |
A Question of Great Interest: May a Synagogue Issue Interest-Bearing Bonds? | Bergman, Ben Zion | YD 167:1.1988a | 1988 | Yoreh Deah | Monetary Interest | |
On the Conversion of Adopted and Patrilineal Children | Reisner, Avram | YD 268:7.1988 | 1988 | Yoreh Deah | Conversion | |
Dissent: A Matter of Great Interest | Reisner, Avram | YD 167:1.1988b | 1988 | Yoreh Deah | Monetary Interest | |
Commemorating the Shoah | Bergman, Ben Zion | OH 46:7.1988 | 1988 | Orah Hayim | Blessings | |
Joint Conservative-Reform Religious Schools | Dorff, Elliot | YD 245:15.1988 | 1988 | Yoreh Deah | Jewish Education | |
Shabbat and Brit Milah | Goodman, Arnold | YD 266.1988 | 1988 | Yoreh Deah | Circumcision | |
The Status of Daughters of Kohanim and Leviyim for Aliyot | Roth, Joel | OH 135:3.1989a | 1989 | Orah Hayim | Torah Reading | |
The Use of a Remote Audio/Video Monitor on Shabbat and Yom Tov | Tucker, Gordon | OH 340:3.1989a | 1989 | Orah Hayim | Shabbat |