Teshuvot Database

Displaying 61 - 80 of 398
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
Co-Ops for Kosher Meat Lincoln, David HM 376:1.1986 1986 Hoshen Mishpat Robbery and Extortion
Treatment of the Loss of a Fetus Through Miscarriage Aizenberg, Isidoro YD 340:30.1987 1987 Yoreh Deah Responding to a Death
Annual and Triennial Systems for Reading the Torah Dorff, Elliot OH 137.1987a 1987 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
Is There an Authentic Triennial Cycle of Torah Readings? Moses, Lionel OH 137.1987b 1987 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
On the Status of Missing Persons Aizenberg, Isidoro YD 397.1987 1987 Yoreh Deah Mourning
A New Ketubbah Text EH 66:6.1987 1987 Even HaEzer Kiddushin and Ketubbah
Mourning for a Newborn Aizenberg, Isidoro YD 374:8.1987 1987 Yoreh Deah Mourning
May an Avowed Atheist Serve as Shali'ah Tzibbur? Lincoln, David OH 53:4.1987 1987 Orah Hayim Blessings
May the Reception Following an Intermarriage be Held in a Conservative Synagogue? Sosland, Henry EH 16.1987 1987 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Blowing the Shofar After Ma'ariv Following Yom Kippur Pollak, George OH 623:6.1987 1987 Orah Hayim Yom Kippur
A Complete Triennial Cycle for Reading the Torah - Modification Eisenberg, Richard OH 137.1988 1988 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
Synagogue Policy Concerning Bringing Foods Prepared in the Home into the Synagogue Pollak, George YD 119:7.1988 1988 Yoreh Deah Foreign Foods
A Question of Great Interest: May a Synagogue Issue Interest-Bearing Bonds? Bergman, Ben Zion YD 167:1.1988a 1988 Yoreh Deah Monetary Interest
On the Conversion of Adopted and Patrilineal Children Reisner, Avram YD 268:7.1988 1988 Yoreh Deah Conversion
Dissent: A Matter of Great Interest Reisner, Avram YD 167:1.1988b 1988 Yoreh Deah Monetary Interest
Commemorating the Shoah Bergman, Ben Zion OH 46:7.1988 1988 Orah Hayim Blessings
Joint Conservative-Reform Religious Schools Dorff, Elliot YD 245:15.1988 1988 Yoreh Deah Jewish Education
Shabbat and Brit Milah Goodman, Arnold YD 266.1988 1988 Yoreh Deah Circumcision
The Status of Daughters of Kohanim and Leviyim for Aliyot Roth, Joel OH 135:3.1989a 1989 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
The Use of a Remote Audio/Video Monitor on Shabbat and Yom Tov Tucker, Gordon OH 340:3.1989a 1989 Orah Hayim Shabbat