Teshuvot Database

Displaying 101 - 120 of 392
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
Can Utensils Lined with Silverstone be Kashered? Abelson, Kassel OH 451:3.1991 1991 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
May a Non-Kohen Be Called First to the Torah? Mandl, Herbert OH 135:3.1991 1991 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
Pidyon HaBen Handler, Howard YD 305:24.1991 1991 Yoreh Deah Pidyon HaBen
Response to Miscarriage Blank, Debra Reed YD 340:30.1991a 1991 Yoreh Deah Responding to a Death
Response to Miscarriage: An Alternate View Eilberg, Amy YD 340:30.1991b 1991 Yoreh Deah Responding to a Death
A Matter of Grave Concern Bergman, Ben Zion YD 367:1.1991 1991 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Homosexuality and the Policy Decisions of the CJLS Kimmelman, Reuven EH 24.1992c 1992 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
What Should Be Jewish Practice Following the Death of an Infant Who Lives Less Than Thirty One Days?" Dickstein, Stephanie YD 374:8.1992a 1992 Yoreh Deah Mourning
On Homosexuality Rabinowitz, Mayer EH 24.1992d 1992 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Kiyyam Li: A Dissenting Concurrence Reisner, Avram YD 374:8.1992b 1992 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Jewish Norms for Sexual Behavior: A Responsum Embodying a Proposal Dorff, Elliot EH 24.1992e 1992 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
The Status of Homosexuals in the Synagogue: A Concurring Opinion Abelson, Kassel EH 24.1992f 1992 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Joint Aliyot Reisner, Avram OH 136.1992 1992 Orah Hayim Torah Reading
On Homosexuality and Biblical Imperatives: A Concurrence Reisner, Avram EH 24.1992g 1992 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
In the Image of God: A Dissent in Favor of the Full Equality of Gay and Lesbian Jews Into the Community of Conservative Judaism Handler, Howard EH 24.1992h 1992 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Consensus Statement on Homosexuality CJLS EH 24.1992a 1992 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Homosexuality Roth, Joel EH 24.1992b 1992 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
Jewish Medical Directives for Health Care" Mackler, Aaron YD 339:1.1993 1993 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine
Should There Be a Special Ceremony in Recognition of a First-Born Female? Skolnik, Gerald YD 305:1.1993 1993 Yoreh Deah Pidyon HaBen
A Principled Defense of the Current Structure and Status of the CJLS Tucker, Gordon HM 2.1993 1993 Hoshen Mishpat Jurisprudence