Teshuvot Database
Displaying 121 - 140 of 398
Title | Authors | SA Code | Year | SA Category | SA Sub Category | Action |
Placing Homosexual Rabbis in Congregations | Abelson, Kassel | EH 24.1993a | 1993 | Even HaEzer | Interpersonal Relations | |
The Case of the Unconverted Spouse | Bergman, Ben Zion | YD 268.1993 | 1993 | Yoreh Deah | Conversion | |
Placing Homosexual Rabbis in Congregations | Goodman, Arnold | EH 24.1993b | 1993 | Even HaEzer | Interpersonal Relations | |
A Concurring Opinion to Arnold M. Goodman's 'Placing Homosexual Rabbis in Congregations' | Mackler, Aaron | EH 24.1993c | 1993 | Even HaEzer | Interpersonal Relations | |
The Gay Placement Question: A Dissenting Opinion | Bergman, Ben Zion | EH 24.1993d | 1993 | Even HaEzer | Interpersonal Relations | |
When Pesah Begins on Saturday Night | Abelson, Kassel | OH 444.1993 | 1993 | Orah Hayim | Pesah and Kashering | |
Official Use of God | Abelson, Kassel | YD 278:12.1993 | 1993 | Yoreh Deah | Torah Scroll | |
Jewish Medical Directives for Health Care" | Mackler, Aaron | YD 339:1.1993 | 1993 | Yoreh Deah | Visiting the Sick and Medicine | |
Should There Be a Special Ceremony in Recognition of a First-Born Female? | Skolnik, Gerald | YD 305:1.1993 | 1993 | Yoreh Deah | Pidyon HaBen | |
A Principled Defense of the Current Structure and Status of the CJLS | Tucker, Gordon | HM 2.1993 | 1993 | Hoshen Mishpat | Jurisprudence | |
Conversion to Judaism Without Circumcision Due to Medical Complications | Mandl, Herbert | YD 268:1.1994 | 1994 | Yoreh Deah | Conversion | |
Peaceful Paths | Geller, Myron | YD 367:1.1994n | 1994 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | |
Burial of Jews Practicing Christianity | Plotkin, Paul | YD 345:5.1994 | 1994 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | |
Artificial Insemination, Egg Donation and Adoption | Dorff, Elliot | EH 1:3.1994 | 1994 | Even HaEzer | Marriage and Fertility | |
Women Raise Your Hands | Rabinowitz, Mayer | OH 128:2.1994a | 1994 | Orah Hayim | Priestly Blessing | |
Should Nesiat Kapayim Include B'not Kohanim? | Bramnick, Stanley | Kogen, Judah | OH 128:2.1994b | 1994 | Orah Hayim | Priestly Blessing | |
"The Kashrut of Microbial Enzymes | Abelson, Kassel | YD 87:10.1994 | 1994 | Yoreh Deah | Milk and Meat | |
Late Minhah and Early Maariv | Skolnik, Gerald | OH 233:1.1994 | 1994 | Orah Hayim | Minhah and Maariv | |
Shabbat Lease Arrangement | Krivosha, Norman | Roth, Joel | OH 243.1995a | 1995 | Orah Hayim | Shabbat | |
Chesed or Chiuv: The Obligation to Preserve Life and the Question of Post-Mortem Organ Donations" | Prouser, Joseph | YD 336.1995 | 1995 | Yoreh Deah | Visiting the Sick and Medicine |