Teshuvot Database

Displaying 121 - 140 of 398
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
Placing Homosexual Rabbis in Congregations Abelson, Kassel EH 24.1993a 1993 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
The Case of the Unconverted Spouse Bergman, Ben Zion YD 268.1993 1993 Yoreh Deah Conversion
Placing Homosexual Rabbis in Congregations Goodman, Arnold EH 24.1993b 1993 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
A Concurring Opinion to Arnold M. Goodman's 'Placing Homosexual Rabbis in Congregations' Mackler, Aaron EH 24.1993c 1993 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
The Gay Placement Question: A Dissenting Opinion Bergman, Ben Zion EH 24.1993d 1993 Even HaEzer Interpersonal Relations
When Pesah Begins on Saturday Night Abelson, Kassel OH 444.1993 1993 Orah Hayim Pesah and Kashering
Official Use of God Abelson, Kassel YD 278:12.1993 1993 Yoreh Deah Torah Scroll
Jewish Medical Directives for Health Care" Mackler, Aaron YD 339:1.1993 1993 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine
Should There Be a Special Ceremony in Recognition of a First-Born Female? Skolnik, Gerald YD 305:1.1993 1993 Yoreh Deah Pidyon HaBen
A Principled Defense of the Current Structure and Status of the CJLS Tucker, Gordon HM 2.1993 1993 Hoshen Mishpat Jurisprudence
Conversion to Judaism Without Circumcision Due to Medical Complications Mandl, Herbert YD 268:1.1994 1994 Yoreh Deah Conversion
Peaceful Paths Geller, Myron YD 367:1.1994n 1994 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Burial of Jews Practicing Christianity Plotkin, Paul YD 345:5.1994 1994 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Artificial Insemination, Egg Donation and Adoption Dorff, Elliot EH 1:3.1994 1994 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
Women Raise Your Hands Rabinowitz, Mayer OH 128:2.1994a 1994 Orah Hayim Priestly Blessing
Should Nesiat Kapayim Include B'not Kohanim? Bramnick, Stanley | Kogen, Judah OH 128:2.1994b 1994 Orah Hayim Priestly Blessing
"The Kashrut of Microbial Enzymes Abelson, Kassel YD 87:10.1994 1994 Yoreh Deah Milk and Meat
Late Minhah and Early Maariv Skolnik, Gerald OH 233:1.1994 1994 Orah Hayim Minhah and Maariv
Shabbat Lease Arrangement Krivosha, Norman | Roth, Joel OH 243.1995a 1995 Orah Hayim Shabbat
Chesed or Chiuv: The Obligation to Preserve Life and the Question of Post-Mortem Organ Donations" Prouser, Joseph YD 336.1995 1995 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine