Teshuvot Database

Displaying 161 - 180 of 398
Title Authors SA Code Year SA Category SA Sub Category Action
Maternal Identity and the Religious Status of Children Born to a Surrogate Mother Mackler, Aaron YD 268:6.1997 1997 Yoreh Deah Conversion
Assisted Suicide Dorff, Elliot YD 345.1997a 1997 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Statement on Assisted Suicide Resolution YD 345.1997b 1997 Yoreh Deah Mourning
May Women Tie Tzitzit Knots? Gelfand, Shoshana OH 14:1.1997 1997 Orah Hayim Tzitzit
Tattooing and Body Piercing Lucas, Alan YD 180.1997 1997 Yoreh Deah Tattooing
Display of Pasul Torah in Museum Case Abelson, Kassel YD 282.1997 1997 Yoreh Deah Torah Scroll
On the Use of Birth Surrogates Mackler, Aaron | Spitz, Elie EH 1:3.1997a 1997 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
On the Use of Birth Surrogates Spitz, Elie EH 1:3.1997b 1997 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
Curiouser and Curiouser Reisner, Avram YD 87:10.1997 1997 Yoreh Deah Milk and Meat
Surrogate Parenting Mackler, Aaron EH 1:3.1997c 1997 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility
On Mixing Fish and Meat Plotkin, Paul YD 116.2:1998 1998 Yoreh Deah Foreign Foods
Responsibilities for the Provision of Health Care Dorff, Elliot | Mackler, Aaron YD 336:1.1998 1998 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine
Bury Him, Yes, Bury Him" YD 345:5.1998 1998 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Converts Mourning the Death of Close Relatives Rembaum, Joel YD 374:5.1998 1998 Yoreh Deah Mourning
I Shall Sprinkle Pure Water Upon You and You Shall Be Purified Bergman, Ben Zion YD 352:3.1998 1998 Yoreh Deah Mourning
Anesthesia and Brit Milah Kurtz, Vernon YD 264:3.1998 1998 Yoreh Deah Circumcision
Organ Donation Roth, Joel YD 336.1999 1999 Yoreh Deah Visiting the Sick and Medicine
Renewal of Marriage for Couples Without Get Abelson, Kassel | Rabinowitz, Mayer EH 150:4.1999a 1999 Even HaEzer Divorce
Renewal of Marriage for Couples Without Get--A Dissenting Opinion Kogen, Judah EH 150:4.1999b 1999 Even HaEzer Divorce
A Concurring Opinion Regarding Mamzerut Nevins, Daniel EH 4.2000b 2000 Even HaEzer Marriage and Fertility