Teshuvot Database
Displaying 161 - 180 of 398
Title | Authors | SA Code | Year | SA Category | SA Sub Category | Action |
Maternal Identity and the Religious Status of Children Born to a Surrogate Mother | Mackler, Aaron | YD 268:6.1997 | 1997 | Yoreh Deah | Conversion | |
Assisted Suicide | Dorff, Elliot | YD 345.1997a | 1997 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | |
Statement on Assisted Suicide | Resolution | YD 345.1997b | 1997 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | |
May Women Tie Tzitzit Knots? | Gelfand, Shoshana | OH 14:1.1997 | 1997 | Orah Hayim | Tzitzit | |
Tattooing and Body Piercing | Lucas, Alan | YD 180.1997 | 1997 | Yoreh Deah | Tattooing | |
Display of Pasul Torah in Museum Case | Abelson, Kassel | YD 282.1997 | 1997 | Yoreh Deah | Torah Scroll | |
On the Use of Birth Surrogates | Mackler, Aaron | Spitz, Elie | EH 1:3.1997a | 1997 | Even HaEzer | Marriage and Fertility | |
On the Use of Birth Surrogates | Spitz, Elie | EH 1:3.1997b | 1997 | Even HaEzer | Marriage and Fertility | |
Curiouser and Curiouser | Reisner, Avram | YD 87:10.1997 | 1997 | Yoreh Deah | Milk and Meat | |
Surrogate Parenting | Mackler, Aaron | EH 1:3.1997c | 1997 | Even HaEzer | Marriage and Fertility | |
On Mixing Fish and Meat | Plotkin, Paul | YD 116.2:1998 | 1998 | Yoreh Deah | Foreign Foods | |
Responsibilities for the Provision of Health Care | Dorff, Elliot | Mackler, Aaron | YD 336:1.1998 | 1998 | Yoreh Deah | Visiting the Sick and Medicine | |
Bury Him, Yes, Bury Him" | YD 345:5.1998 | 1998 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | ||
Converts Mourning the Death of Close Relatives | Rembaum, Joel | YD 374:5.1998 | 1998 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | |
I Shall Sprinkle Pure Water Upon You and You Shall Be Purified | Bergman, Ben Zion | YD 352:3.1998 | 1998 | Yoreh Deah | Mourning | |
Anesthesia and Brit Milah | Kurtz, Vernon | YD 264:3.1998 | 1998 | Yoreh Deah | Circumcision | |
Organ Donation | Roth, Joel | YD 336.1999 | 1999 | Yoreh Deah | Visiting the Sick and Medicine | |
Renewal of Marriage for Couples Without Get | Abelson, Kassel | Rabinowitz, Mayer | EH 150:4.1999a | 1999 | Even HaEzer | Divorce | |
Renewal of Marriage for Couples Without Get--A Dissenting Opinion | Kogen, Judah | EH 150:4.1999b | 1999 | Even HaEzer | Divorce | |
A Concurring Opinion Regarding Mamzerut | Nevins, Daniel | EH 4.2000b | 2000 | Even HaEzer | Marriage and Fertility |