RA Members Participate in Interfaith Luncheon with Secretary John Kerry

On January 28th, RA members attended a meeting hosted by President Dr. John J. DeGioia of Georgetown University for approximately 50 Jewish, Christian and Muslim faith leaders from around the country featuring an address by Secretary of State John Kerry and other State Department officials. Julie Schonfeld, Bill Gershon, Sharon Brous, Jack Moline and Gil Steinlauf were in attendance. Secretary Kerry discussed the current peace negotiations between Israel and Palestinian leadership and introduced a State Department initiative to engage faith leaders as partners in working together as local partners in dialogue. Secretary Kerry, who has made ten visits to the region since July 2013, stressed the importance of engaging the larger community in dialogue so as to build broader support, understanding and investment in the successful outcome of peace negotiations, a goal that a majority of Israelis, Palestinians and Americans continue to support.

For information on the Rabbinical Assembly’s resolutions expressing solidarity with Israelis and support for negotiations, most recently in 2010 and 2008, please visit our website.

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