Conservative Movement Reacts to a Weekend of International Anti-Semitic Attacks

In response to a weekend of multiple anti-semitic attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions including the brutal murder of four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels and the savage beating of two Jews outside a synagogue in Creteil, France, Masorti Olami, the World Council of Conservative/Masorti Synagogues, Chir Hadach the Masorti Community in Brussels, and the Rabbinical Assembly, the international association of Conservative/Masorti rabbis issued the following statement:

Patrick Poty, The President of the Chir Hadach, remarked:

The Masorti Community of Brussels is shocked by the anti-Semitic attack at the Jewish museum in Brussels, a place devoted to teaching about Judaism and the history of the Jews of Belgium. We extend our sympathy and offers of assistance to the families of those tragically murdered.

Rabbi Tzvi Graetz commented:

As people of faith around the world watch the historic visit of Pope Francis to Israel in the company of our Masorti colleague Rabbi Abraham Skorka and Muslim leader Omar Abboud, we must remark on the urgent need of religious leaders to speak out against anti-Semitism and all crimes motivated by hate.

Rabbi Julie Schonfeld added: 

On May 14th, 2014 at our convention in Dallas, the Rabbinical Assembly passed a Resolution on Disturbing Trends in Europe of Concern to Jews and Other Religious Minorities in which we noted " a precipitous rise in the number of physical attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions.” We call upon all governments in Europe and around the world to take increased measures to ensure the safety of their Jewish communities. 

The Conservative/Masorti Movement in Europe and around the world stands together in solidarity with bereaved families of victims and with our brothers and sisters whose safety is endangered as they go about lives of peace and productivity. We stand ready to work with  leaders of all faiths to educate and to end the scourge of hatred and bigotry that endangers not only Jews, but all people. 

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