Vote Mercaz in the WZO Elections

We are all concerned about the increase in anti-Semitism in the world. Our civilization in general, and the Jewish people in particular, are under attack by the hateful forces of Islamic radicalism.

When the offices of the periodical "Charlie Hebdo" were attacked, a multitude of people around the world expressed their solidarity by sharing the phrase "Je suis Charlie" - "I am Charlie."

To fight the rising tide of anti-Semitic hatred in our time we need a multitude of people sharing the words "I AM A ZIONIST."

Despite the cynical propaganda of the hatemongers, that has even stained the United Nations, Zionism is not a four-letter word. Zionism embodies the idea that the Jewish people have the right to a national home in Israel, our ancestral homeland. Zionism is a modern expression of the highest ideals of the Jewish tradition. It is the continuation of the liberation journey begun by Moses and the children of Israel when they went from slavery to freedom.  It draws from the same roots that inspired the prophets of Israel in their fight for dignity and decency. Zionism is based on the same ideals that led to Jewish involvement in the civil rights movement, as said by no other than Martin Luther King Jr. himself: "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism."

This is why we all need to say proudly today "I AM A ZIONIST." A most effective way to do so is to register and vote in the ongoing Zionist movement elections that are being held by mail and online until April 30th. You can come to the Temple and pick up a form or go to where you can register (for a nominal fee, $10) and vote slate #2 MERCAZ.

Voting Slate #2 - Mercaz, you accomplish two crucial goals. First, you support the fight for Israel and against anti-Semitism. Second, you support Mercaz, which is the arm of Conservative Judaism in the Zionist movement. Voting Mercaz we help support the programs that will insure the growth of our kind of Judaism in Israel: pluralistic and inclusive, traditional and modern at the same time. In Israel, Orthodox institutions have the support of the government. Conservative congregations and programs only have us, Conservative Jews.

I registered and voted MERCAZ.

I can say proudly: "I AM A ZIONIST" and I hope you will do so too.

Rabbi Claudio Kupchik