Watch Now: Pre-Pesah Siyum 5781

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It is a widespread custom that the first born fast on the day before Pesah. This commemorates the divine protection of the Israelite firstborn during the final plague in Egypt. However, it is also prohibited to fast during the month of Nisan. There is a standard solution to this paradox: a siyum, a public completion of study of a tractate of the Talmud. After this, first born participants may eat a meal in celebration of the event, and having eaten, a first born need not fast the remainder of day.

Our East Coast Pre-Pesah Siyum was led by Rabbi Mordy Schwartz on March 25, 2021. You can watch the recording here. Please click here for the source sheet. This event is co-sponsored by: Rabbinical Assembly, USCJ, AJU, JTS, and Ramah Camping Movement.
