How is Siddur Lev Shalem being shipped?
The goal of matching the size and weight Siddur Lev Shalem with Mahzor Lev Shalem was attained within one ounce. The siddur weighs 2 lbs, 1 oz and will be packed 12 books per carton, each carton weighing 28 pounds including packing and the carton itself. For shipping other than by UPS, contact our distributor, G&H Soho at 201-216-9400 ext. 118 or
How much transliteration is included in Siddur Lev Shalem?
There is far more transliteration than in any previous Conservative siddur and more was added in response to concerns expressed by colleagues in evaluations of First Fruits, the preliminary edition of the siddur. In addition, the typeface of the transliterated text was made considerably easier to read.
What is the size and format of the siddur?
The siddur is a twin of the mahzor in terms of its dimensions, the high quality paper, four column format and number of pages (466 double-pages). The right hand page and the left hand page share the same number. For referencing in the luach, the pages are referred to as “a” and “b” where necessary to denote the right and left sides of the page. The color of the siddur cover is a deep red as you can see on the website with gold lettering. It is stunning!
Is there a weekday minhah in the siddur?
The siddur includes both a weekday minhah and a weekday arvit with a havdalah service. It does not, however, include a weekday shaharit service.
Will there be a weekday version of Siddur Lev Shalem?
Yes! A committee led by Rabbi Ed Feld and Rabbi Jan Uhrbach has begun work on Siddur Lev Shalem for Weekdays, with a projected publication date in mid-2025. Siddur Lev Shalem for Weekdays will include the daily services as well as additional readings and prayers for the house of mourning and for various civic occasions.
Will there be a Braille version of the new siddur?
Yes! Preparations are underway to create Braille editions of Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals and Mahzor Lev Shalem. In order to support the labor-intensive work of transcribing the siddur and mahzor into Unified English Braille and Hebrew Braille, the RA will launch a campaign later in 2021. Please contact if you would like to support the important work of making the Lev Shalem series accessible to all members of our communities. Click here to make a donation to our publications fund.
Is there duchaning in Siddur Lev Shalem?
In addition to the English and Hebrew text and instructions for duchaning, the musaf service for festivals also includes a full column of background information and further details of how to perform this ancient ritual.
How does the siddur incorporate shir hashirim?
Selections from Shir haShirim appear at the very beginning of Kabbalat Shabbat and are followed by all of the familiar psalms in the traditional order. In some cases a selection from Shir haShirim will appear in the fourth column as a commentary on the theme of the psalm that appears in the second and third columns.
Are Friday night home rituals included in the siddur?
This siddur was designed to be a book for the home and the synagogue. Candle lighting appears at the beginning of the Kabbalat Shabbat service. All the other home rituals for Friday night including a full birkat hamazon and a wide array of table songs appear in a separate, extensive Shabbat ba’Bayit section.
Does Siddur Lev Shalem include the text of Pirke Avot?
All six chapters of Mishna Avot appear in the siddur in the four column format. The first column will include excerpts from a commentary by our colleague Rabbi Gordon Tucker and the fourth column will include excerpts from a Hebrew commentary by our colleague Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum that has been translated into English by our colleague Rabbi Peretz Rodman. Both commentaries will appear in full in a stand-alone version of Pirke Avot to be published by the RA in 2016 that will include an English translation by our colleague Rabbi Martin Cohen who is also serving as literary editor of that book.