Whereas the mission of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism founded in 1913 is to help strengthen the Conservative movement in Judaism by strengthening Conservative congregations;
Whereas Rabbi Steven Wernick has served the Movement as a congregational rabbi at Temple Beth Sholom (Cherry Hill, New Jersey) and Temple Adath Israel (Merion Station, Pennsylvania) as well as during his student years;
Whereas Rabbi Wernick has an understanding of the challenges and opportunities which our congregations, the United Synagogue and the Conservative movement face today; and
Whereas Rabbi Wernick has shown tremendous energy and wisdom since assuming his role as Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer on July 1, 2009.
Therefore the Rabbinical Assembly applauds the appointment of Rabbi Steven Wernick as the United Synagogue’s Executive Vice President/C.E.O. The Rabbinical Assembly wishes him success on this important endeavor of working with the professional and lay leadership of the USCJ to create a vision for the synagogue of the twenty-first century that will reflect the new challenges ahead and a vision for an organization which will help those synagogues. We, as members of the Rabbinical Assembly, pledge our support to Rabbi Wernick as he leads the United Synagogue on our behalf and on behalf of the Conservative movement.
Passed by the Rabbinical Assembly Plenum, May, 2010