FAQ: Rabbinical Assembly Draft Updated Code of Professional Conduct 2025

לשאלות ותשובות בעברית אנא פנו לעידית לב, מנהלת פיתוח קהילה: ilev@rabbinicalassembly.org 

Q. What is the purpose of the new Code of Professional Conduct?

A. The new Code of Professional Conduct (“Code” or “Code of Conduct”) is meant to guide Rabbinical Assembly (“RA”) members as ethical leaders of the Conservative/Masorti Movement in how they are meant to engage with those around us.


Q. What does the new Code include?  

A. The new Code is focused on the ethical duties of RA member rabbis. The updated Va’ad HaKavod Complaint Procedures guide the work of the Va’ad HaKavod and provide more clarity on how the Va’ad HaKavod reviews ethics complaints.


Religious and administrative rules currently in effect are still included here, but updates to these religious and administrative rules will be discussed and developed into a new document over the coming year. Per the recommendations from Sacred Spaces, this separate “Brit” document will set forth the expectations of Rabbinical Assembly membership (for example, dues payments, administrative matters, halakhic issues, etc.) as distinct from the ethics matters that are the purview of the Va’ad HaKavod. Until the completion of this second document, professional and administrative complaints will continue to be addressed under our current systems. 


Q. How did this project come about?

A. We proactively undertook the development of a new Code to align the highest ethical expectations of our rabbinate with contemporary norms, current best practices, and in accordance of Jewish values. 

Our goal has been to provide enhanced guidance to members that accounts for the diversity of the RA membership, and the various professional roles that RA members will hold throughout the arc of their careers. We also sought to enhance guidance to RA members about contemporary everyday interactions, healthy boundaries with constituents and colleagues, and the role of technology, among other important subjects.


Q. What was the process of gathering input into the new Code?

A. As part of the Sacred Spaces 24-month assessment project, we listened intentionally to the broad spectrum of voices and experiences that make up our rabbinate, including a wide diversity of voices from North America, South America, Israel, and Europe. Sacred Spaces also reviewed past Va’ad HaKavod cases and surveyed individuals who had participated in Va’ad matters. The leadership of the Rabbinical Assembly's Strategic Planning Committee, Gender & Power Committee, Va’ad HaKavod, and RA staff (collectively “the Task Force”) had regular consultation and input with Sacred Spaces that reflected the perspectives of each of these committees’ diverse members and constituencies.

In codifying the Sacred Spaces recommendations, the Revision Task Force, comprised of a diverse group of our member leaders, consulted not only with Sacred Spaces, but also with various rabbinic colleagues and with experts in trauma-informed processes. They also were guided by legal counsel to ensure the updated Code complies with broad legal requirements applicable across many jurisdictions.


Q. Who Drafted the updated Code?

A. The Revision Task Force has worked diligently to transpose the learning and recommendations from the Sacred Spaces assessment process into a new updated Code. Rahel Bayar, of The Bayar Group was the lead consultant on the drafting of the updated Code of Conduct. We also consulted with Dr. Guila Benchimol, an expert in trauma-informed processes, and with legal counsel. In addition, members of the Revision Task Force reached out to rabbis working with specific communities and in specialized professional settings for input. Representatives from RA Global leadership have also been consulted throughout the process and are continuing to meet as we finalize the updated Code.

In the coming days, we are pleased to be hosting focus groups with youth-facing rabbis, entrepreneurial rabbis, international rabbis, and solo rabbis and chaplains for their feedback.


Q. What are the key updates from the previous Code of Professional Conduct 

A. The updated Code enhances guidance to RA members about contemporary everyday interactions, healthy boundaries with constituents and colleagues, and the role of technology. It includes better understanding of power dynamics and harassment, as well as best practices for working with youth - an important part of our Movement-wide conversation. You will notice that it is a much lengthier document to help provide clear guidance to rabbis so that we have the tools to create the conditions for ethical and safe interactions for our communities and ourselves.


Q. How can RA members obtain additional information about the new Code and have their questions answered? 

A. The RA will be hosting a series of Member Only Code of Conduct Professional Development sessions based on member feedback on this form. For immediate questions please reach out to any of the following people:

  • Rebecca Chagall, RA Ethics Coordinator
  • Daniel Pressman or Debra Cantor, VHK Co-Chairs
  • Sheryl Katzman, Professional Liaison to the Va’ad HaKavod


For questions regarding Standards 17 (Standards Of Religious Practice) please reach out to Pamela Barmash, CJLS Chair. For questions regarding Standard 18 (Standards of Membership) please reach out to Ashira Konigsburg, RA COO.


Q. When will the new Code come into effect?

A. The New Code will come into effect on March 1, 2025. However, complaints of situations that took place prior to March 1, 2025 will be reviewed by the Va’ad HaKavod using the previous Code.


Q. Is the new Code providing guidance or binding rules?

A. The new Code provides certain provisions that are mandatory and binding, and other provisions that are designated as guidance. These provisions are indicated by “must” when it is mandatory and “should” or “strongly recommended” when discretion is required. In all cases if a rabbi is unsure, members are encouraged to reach out to the RA Ethics Coordinator or VHK chair for guidance. The goal of the guidance is to serve as a resource to help rabbis navigate complex ethical questions.


Q. Once in effect, will the new Code of Conduct be binding on RA members?

A. RA members must review the new Code and ensure that they both understand the Code and its purpose. Per the RA Constitution, every RA member has an obligation to adhere to the provisions of this new Code. Our collective commitment to foster and sustain a respectful and ethical rabbinate is demonstrated through the establishment and upholding of shared and transparent standards. 


Q. Is the new Code applicable to conduct that occurred before implementation, and that wasn’t specified or included in the previous Code?

A. No. Conduct that occurred prior to the new Code coming into effect is not subject to enforcement under the New Code. 


Q. What are the next steps to look forward to?


  • Professional Development: A key finding of the Sacred Spaces review of our Assembly was the need for RA members to regularly read and receive professional development on the Code. For this first year of implementation, we will pilot several modalities to ensure that all members review the New Code.  
  • Ongoing Updates: We will continue our work to align our budget and governance structures to effectuate additional enhancements to our Code and Va’ad HaKavod Procedures. As that process unfolds further. RA member input will continue to be an important part of these efforts. 
  • Annual Review: Because the New Code is a living document, we will engage in an annual review of the new Code and updated Va’ad HaKavod Procedures to ensure their ongoing effectiveness. We will launch an Annual Review Committee in the Spring of 2025