Gun Violence Resources

Acts of gun violence, whether perpetrated against the Jewish community or not, are shattering the peace and sanctity of our lives at an alarming rate. As rabbis and Jewish leaders, we are called upon to provide comfort to the mourners and resources for those affected by these events, and to take action to ensure that future tragedies are avoided. 

Below, you will find words of hope, as well as resources to support you and your communities. Please contact our communications specialist, Emily Jaeger, at if you'd like to submit a resource to the list.

Rabbinical Assembly Statements on Acts of Gun Violence

Relevant Resolutions

2016: Resolution on American Gun Violence 
2014: Resolution on Sensible Gun Control in the United States
2013: Resolution against Gun Violence in the United States
2011: Resolution on High Capacity Ammunition Magazines

Resources on Gun Violence:

Learn More About the Issues

Resources on Trauma and Disaster Spiritual Care

Jewish and Clinical Tools for Spiritual Recovery after Communal Trauma (Assembled by Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, LCSW)


National Child Traumatic Stress Network:


Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress: