Mazal Tov to the Newest RA Members

Incoming RA

The Rabbinical Assembly extends a hearty mazal tov to our new colleagues who were ordained at the ordination ceremonies of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and the Jewish Theological Seminary:

Joshua Ackerman
Elan Babchuck 
Joshua Barton
Sarah Barukh 
Suzanne Brody
Gadi Capela
Catharine Clark
Abby Cohen
Yonina Creditor
Judi Ahavah Del Bourgo
Aderet Okon Drucker
Aviva Fellman
Jeremy Fine
Joshua Foster
Amiel Hersh
Michael Jay
Anne Lewis
Aaron Lucas
Joshua Ratner
Efrem Reis
Maya Resnikoff
Joseph Robinson
Kerrith Rosenbaum
David Russo
Ari Saks
Jennifer Schlosberg
Abbi Sharofsky
Zachary Silver
David Singer
Gail Swedroe
Ronit Tsadok
Aaron Weininger
K’vod Wieder
Michael Wolk

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