Rabbinical Assembly Extends Congratulations to President-elect Reuven Rivlin

In response to the Israeli Knesset’s election of Reuven Rivlin as the country’s next president, the Rabbinical Assembly issued the following statement.

Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, Executive Vice President, said: 

The Rabbinical Assembly extends warm congratulations to Reuven Rivlin on his election as Israel’s next president.  We hope that he will continue the tradition set by President Shimon Peres and the vast majority of Israeli presidents of open dialogue between his office and the Rabbinical Assembly. We look forward to cultivating a working relationship with President-elect Rivlin that will strengthen the solidarity of the Jewish people, across movements and continents, and that will recognize the healthy pluralism that exists among our people.

Rabbi William Gershon, President, added:

The Rabbinical Assembly anticipates meaningful open dialogue with President-elect Reuven Rivlin and is eager to work with him on the issues Israel faces today and moving forward. We are encouraged that he has close familial ties to the Conservative/Masorti Movement including Rabbi Solomon Rivlin, z”l, ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary, who served as a United Synagogue Regional Director and Gerald Rivlin, z”l, an esteemed lay leader, Conservative synagogue president, and benefactor of the Jewish Theological Seminary.

We look forward to forging a new relationship with Israel’s latest President as he steps into this new leadership role. We wish President Shimon Peres and the Peres Center for Peace continued success in his work to cultivate tolerance and cooperation between Israel and its Mideast neighbors.

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