Rabbinical Assembly Prays for Safe Return of Kidnapped Israelis

In response to the kidnapping of three Israeli students, Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frenkel, and Gilad Shaar, the Rabbinical Assembly issued the following statement (along with this prayer).

Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, Executive Vice President, said:

We join with our Israeli brothers and sisters, our Jewish brethren around the world, and concerned governments and NGOs in condemning the kidnapping of three innocent students.  We join with millions of others in praying for their safe return.  In light of Israeli and American assessments that the kidnapping was carried out by terrorists, possibly Hamas, we also call for the full measure of justice to be brought upon the perpetrators of this cowardly attack once they are conclusively identified. 

Rabbi William Gershon, President, added:

It is despicable that the enemies of Israel choose to attack her by striking at children and students of Torah, which represent two of our most precious values. Yet we take solace in the knowledge that, as it has done before, the State of Israel will work tirelessly to bring back these boys.  We pray that the words of Jeremiah, that our children will find hope and return to their homes, will come to pass, and that Eyal, Naftali, and Gilad will soon be peacefully reunited with their families.

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