Vice President Biden at Convention 2012

We're thrilled that Vice President Joseph Biden has accepted our invitation to address our members on Tuesday May 8.

Vice President Biden, through decades of service in public life, has long been a dedicated and loyal supporter of the Jewish community and our values and priorities. 


As Conservative Jews, our dedication to the pursuit of justice commanded by our Tradition brings us to see civic virtue and committed community as the cornerstones of our lives as Americans.

In this spirit, we look forward to this important address to the Rabbinical Assembly by Vice President Biden.

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I think Biden is very anti-semetic.

I am very disappoionted that he was chosen to speak.

He has done nothing for us and wants Pollard in jail until he dies.

This choice of his shows a lack of sensitivty and passion for the Jews.

It breaks my heart that he was picked.

I am saddened by your choice and will not be attending the convention.

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