Tag: Convention 2014

Chair: Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Introduction: Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt
Address: Ambassador Dennis Ross

Originally recorded on May 14, 2014

Welcome: Todd Chanon
Installing Officer: Rabbi Elliot Dorff
Remarks: Rabbi William Gershon 

Originally recorded on May 13, 2014

If I am Not for My Values, Who will be for Them?
Community, Commitment and Courage 

Introduction: Rabbi Gerald Skolnik
Presenter: Rabbi Julie Schonfeld 

Originally recorded on May 13, 2014

Putting God Second? The Primacy of Ethics in Jewish Tradition

Introduction: Rabbi William Gershon
Presenter: Rabbi Donniel Hartman 

Originally recorded on May 13, 2014

Chair: Rabbi Felipe Goodman
Introduction: Rabbi Philip Scheim
Special Address: Chancellor Arnold Eisen
Remarks: Rabbi Amy Eilberg 

Originally recorded on May 12, 2014

Covener/co-panelist: Rabbi Julie Schonfeld
Panelists: Chancellor Arnold Eisen, Rabbi Steven Wernick, Rabbi Bradley Artson

Originally recorded on May 12, 2014

Ideas that Work

Moderator: Rabbi Joel Alter
Panelists: Rabbis Rachel Kobrin, David Singer, Lizzi Heydemann

Originally recorded on May 14, 2014

Ideas that Work

Moderator: Rabbi Richard Eisenberg
Panelists: Rabbis Felipe Goodman, Andrea Merow, Randall Konigsburg, Sharon Brous

Originally recorded on May 14, 2014

Ideas that Work

Moderator: Rabbi Susan Grossman
Panelists: Rabbis Dianne Cohler-Esses, Jeffery Abraham, Amy Roth

Originally recorded on May 14, 2014

Ideas that Work

Moderator: Rabbi Debra Newman Kamin
Panelists: Rabbis Elliot Cosgrove, Gil Steinlauf, Menachem Creditor, Annie Tucker

Originally recorded on May 14, 2014