Virtual Career Fair

 Registration is closed for this event

We are excited to present our very first RA Online Career Fair, taking place December 8th, 2022 at both 2 pm ET/11 am PT and 8 pm ET/5 pm PT. This is a new opportunity to provide hiring institutions space to “pitch” their job. We want candidates to put a face to a name, and we want you to show off your community as the best place to work. You do NOT need to have your job already posted on the job board in order to participate.

We expect both rabbis in the field and graduating students to attend these 90-minute sessions. We will have one hour of presentations followed by breakout rooms for candidates to meet with you for 20-30 minutes of follow-up questions. The presentations will be recorded.

Please indicate your preference of date, but we will be assigning and splitting organizations and congregations so each only needs to attend one time. Please reserve both times and we will inform you of your time a few weeks prior.

Please prepare a maximum 3 minute duration “elevator pitch.” We want you to really use your creativity and showcase your personality. Here’s an outline of a great pitch:

  • Start with the name of your organization or congregation and the size (member units if you are a congregation, number of employees if you are an organization).
  • Who are you looking for?
  • Why is your community different from any other community? (i.e. low cost of living, musical staff, socially engaged congregants, proximity to 3 international airports, museums or orchestras or other cultural attractions)
  • A fun fact or two about the community or building (historical significance, was in a movie, etc.)
  • Why should a candidate read your job description for more info? What is unique about this job?
  • Leave them intrigued and wanting to ask more.

You can choose who to make this presentation. It may be the search chair, president, executive director, or someone else you appoint. If you are seeking an assistant or associate rabbi in your search, we ask that the senior rabbi is present in order to answer questions immediately after the presentation, when we have Q&A sessions with interested individuals. 

Please feel free to reach out to Yishay Amiri with any questions.

December 8th, 2022 2:00 PM