Whereas Iran has developed an aggressive diplomatic strategy of penetration into Latin America facilitated by the governments of Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua, sympathetic with Iran’s anti-Israel policies;
Whereas the Argentine justice establishment has verified that Iran sponsored the terrorist attacks on the embassy of Israel in 1992 and the AMIA in 1994 that left more than 125 people dead including Susan Kreiman, z”l, the wife and mother of our colleagues, Rabbis Angel and Claudia Kreiman, and many hundreds wounded, and that to this day those who carried out these crimes have not been brought to justice; and
Whereas Iran and Argentina have recently signed an agreement stipulating that neither the government of Iran nor its public officials would be tried in Argentina thereby insuring that justice will never be achieved.
Therefore be it resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly call upon the Latin American governments of Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua to refrain from being accomplices in the aggressive and evasive Iranian policy;
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly press the government of Argentina to pursue the extradition of those parties already proven to have played a role in the terrorist attacks mentioned above and that they be brought as defendants before the Argentine court;
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly and its members advocate with the appointed and elected officials in the United States and other nations where RA members reside to press the Argentine government to ensure those responsible for the crimes of terror be tried and thus bring a measure of justice for the victims of both terrorist attacks; and
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly call upon the UN and its constituent organizations to isolate Iran until it desists from its aggressive policy of support for terror organizations around the world.
Passed by the Rabbinical Assembly Plenum, June, 2013