Each year the Rabbinical Assembly passes a number of resolutions on pressing matters impacting the countries and regions where we live, the State of Israel and the future of our shared world. Passing the resolutions allows the RA to take positions on inyanei d’yoma (issues of the day) in a variety of arenas including US domestic policy, and on occasion in other countries, global issues and matters affecting the State of Israel.
Below is a list of resolutions that the RA has passed with regards to Health Care.
2019: Resolution on Suicide and Mental Illness
2019: Resolution on Immunization
2017: Resolution on the Opioid Epidemic in the United States and Canada
2011: Resolution on Health Care
2008: Resolution on Health Care in the United States
2002: Resolution on Health Care for the Poor
View a comprehensive summary of the resolutions that the Rabbinical Assembly has passed with regards to matters of health and health care.