- The land of Israel has been home to the Jewish people for millennia;
- The Jewish people has prayed and worked for a return to their homeland during all their years of exile;
- The Jewish people suffered persecution and genocide while living under the rule of hostile hosts;
- The Jewish people have by legal means including through a United Nations resolution established a state in the Land of Israel;
- Israel grants full civic rights to its minority populations; and
- The IDF has shown great restraint while defending Israel’s citizens from attack; and
Whereas Israel is the only full fledged democracy in the Middle East, fulfilling the highest principles of human dignity and civil rights based on the teachings of the Bible and its sacred tradition.
Therefore be it resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly deplore the irrational and brazen anti-Semitic attacks on Israel and its citizens by the global community, its institutions, including governments and the media;
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly condemn boycotts and attacks on Israeli academic faculties, institutions and individual scholars; and
Be it further resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly:
- Condemn all efforts by other nations and associations to delegitimize the State of Israel as a Jewish State;
- Denounce those who deny Israel the right to defend itself as a sovereign nation;
- Encourage the Palestinian leadership to initiate a program to educate in its schools the next generation of Palestinians to recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel as a Jewish State and work towards peace between Palestinians and Israelis;
- Call upon all countries and the United Nations to support the State of Israel as it pursues its legitimate national interests, including protecting its population; and
- Call upon its members to contact their government officials, community and religious leaders, encouraging them to reject all efforts to delegitimize Israel as the Jewish State.
Passed by the Rabbinical Assembly Plenum, May, 2010