Resolution in Support of the Conservative Movement World Wide

WHEREAS the members of the Rabbinical Assembly have been in the forefront of establishing institutions of our movement both in ארץ ישראל (the land of Israel) and worldwide;

WHEREAS members of the Rabbinical Assembly have committed themselves to promoting our movement in Israel and throughout the world through their sacred service and through the gathering of financial resources;

WHEREAS members of the Rabbinical Assembly are committed to a strong presence of our movement inמולדתינו  ארץ (our historic homeland); and

WHEREAS the Rabbinical Assembly is committed to growing our movement worldwide.


  1. members of the Rabbinical Assembly establish a movement fund for Israel and overseas development, commit themselves to a significant personal contribution to this fund, and to soliciting major donors to support the work of our movement worldwide; and
  2. the Rabbinical Assembly call upon Masorti/Conservative Jews worldwide to continue to strengthen their efforts on behalf of the State of Israel in their respective countries by:


defending and promoting its political and economic interests;
visiting Israel in ever-greater numbers;

encouraging members of Masorti/Conservative congregations to make aliyah; and

continuing to provide spiritual and material support for olim in Masorti congregations in Israel.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Rabbinical Assembly establish a special committee to publish a reformulated Conservative/Zionist program to be brought to the 2006 Rabbinical Assembly Convention.

Passed by the Rabbinical Assembly Plenum, March, 2005