Resolutions 2005

Omnibus Resolution on Social Issues

We, members of the Rabbinical Assembly, are heirs to traditions that ingrain in us an “aggressive attitude toward improving life,” exemplified in Pirkei Avot 2:20-1 “Rabbi Tarfon taught: The day is short, the task is great. You are not obliged to finish the task, but neither are you free to neglect it.”* Over the years the Rabbinical Assembly has adopted stances via resolutions passed at annual conventions on a wide variety of social issues. 

Resolution on Freedom, Democracy and the Humane Treatment of Prisoners

WHEREAS President Bush and the United States of America have undertaken the furthering of freedom and democracy around the world; and

WHEREAS we support the troops and coalition forces who are in harm’s way to achieve this end; and

WHEREAS Jewish history and tradition teach that justice must triumph over violence; and

WHEREAS serious questions have been raised about the ethics of torture by any nation as a means of gaining information, even under emergency circumstances;